What happened making a phone call to a girl to ask her out for a date?
- They now have an easier alternative of texting instead.

What happened to picking a girl up from her house to take her on that date?
- They use the alternative of texting to arrange a place to meet instead.

What happened to turning up with a sweet bunch of flowers to show appreciation of presence?
- They think flowers are too passe or they spend all their money texting instead of calling, or think there's no point just cuz they're gonna die anyway.

What happened to just sitting somewhere nice with a cup of coffee and having a good old fashioned chat?
- They remember that cool big screen you have at home that's hooked up to cable tv.

What happened to that moment of butterflies in your stomach when you wonder if he's going to hold your hand or not?
- The moment is now about if he's going to kiss you on the lips tonight.

What happened to that moment he sends you home and you wonder if he'll kiss you?
- The moment is about if he even sends you home in the first place considering he didn't pick you up.

What happened to calling every now and then just for a short chat after not meeting up for a while?
- He texts you instead and worries insistently if you don't reply soon enough.

What happened to dinner dates and nice walks in a park after?
- They remember that big screen in your house and the amount of channels on cable tv.

What happened to sitting in comforting silence and appreciating the presence of the other?
- They start yawning after the clock strikes 10.

Romance is a novelty no girls can expect a guy to have anymore. Its D-E-A-D, dead. Is it really so hard to just call a girl or have guys really become such chicken shit that sms-ing is the only alternative? A single rose, a simple gesture to put a little smile on a girl's face. Spending some time in the fresh air, in a public park just sitting around - its free! Is it so necessary to stay in the confines of walls and head straight to bed the moment you yamn every 30 seconds?

Guys are becoming wusses when it comes to dating girls. What happened to the confident ones who just go for it without too much analysis, without looking for hints by "reading" the girl. Romance is dead - gone are the times of simplicity.

I just wish, some guy could read me poetry, compose a song in dedication of me - sweep me off my feet in simple ways. No need for lavish gifts, just what's from the heart. I'm not asking for too much am I?