Yo peepz! Wassup wassup!

Okay, enough of this ghetto talk. Trying to spice up my opening line a little considering I have blogged in eons. Probably landed myself a lame opener instead. Let's start over. G'day y'all. I'm back and resurrected from blogger cemetery. Been bugged down with work week after week, practically on shift every weekend. Boo. No one likes weekend shifts and that include MOI! Cannot complain I suppose, it brings in the much needed extra dough. Can't wait for pay day for the first fortnight in October. Training for new equipment means long tiring hours. PLUS I've got an 11 hour shift coming up. Hoorah.

I've been snooping around the lives of those who broadcast their daily escapades online for all to see. The most popular in Singapore obviously being the infamous dawn yang (yeo/yang who cares) and the person who's alias is xiaxue. Before you jump to conclusions, I am neither a fan or a hater or both, but merely that of a very bored person looking for humor through stupid public broadcasts of pointless opinions and idiotic thoughts. I know many could say that of my blog too, BUT on the contrary, I don't get paid and hardly anyone reads this anyway.

So the local goss in the virtual world, if you're not clued in yet is regarding the long withstanding feud between the aforementioned. First one gets sued for causing defamation to the other, and now has this thing going on about plagiarism. WOW. How much drama can there be for just having a blog. I did a little search and found many other blogs practically dedicated to this rivalry and their support or disdain from either. Talk about stalker behaviour. Geez. These people actually bother to create screenshots of what goes on and do serious rseaech before posting. It's almost as good as writing a thesis.

Now, I could cut and paste stuff so you'd understand what I'm referring to. That would just take too much trouble and time, and considering what DY was going through, I'd rather not take my chances. Sure I could attribute stuff, but who cares. Apparently she seriously ripped stuff off sites and claimed them as her own. True or not, I don't know. It's hearsay on my part. It just shows how easy it is to right click, cut and paste. Scary. What amazes me is the amount of effort she puts into her blog to either look for stuff or edit certain things so it doesn't say anything about surgery or defame herself. Imagine the hours it would take just sitting at the com.

Think about how much time XX takes to photoshop the pictures she puts up! To erase the blemishes or cellulite or whatever she doesn't like about herself. I could say plastic surgery would of course be harder but then again, she's had that done too. Kudos to her for going through all that trouble though. I would never be bothered. Face it, if you're ugly you're ugly. The amount of shite she slabs on her face, it's a wonder her bf didn't get a shock after the first time he slept with her and woke up to a completely different face.

In this information age, the lack of privacy is something we almost have to live with. Obviously with some, they choose to give it up. This just goes to show we should all be careful what we post. Best to not post at all. Haha.

Ok that's my thought of the day, or at the rate I blog, fir the next few months
