In the mix - MY TOP PICKS:

30 July 2009

The littlest lovey in my life turned 4 a couple of weeks ago. She can count her age on one hand and already she's shot passed my hips. Her feet are longer than my hands (and I've got big hands) and her speech sounds half adult-ish already. On the up side, the Tasmanian Devil sounds as cute as it looks when called a Tassy Jello.

Caution: Funny photos of the muffin monster to follow

As the girl shows, she's turned 2+2=4

Thought I'd test out my new tripod at an occasion that calls for it. The family + the other side. Some members missing.

We all had to be 2+2=4
Grandmama and Gong Gong
Granddad & Grandma

14 June 2009

You're so ugly, I'd rather stare at white noise for hours. And to top it off, the sound of white noise is hell better than the sound of your damned voice. Woe be the world who come into contact with you, and the poor pussy whipped lad of yours. Lord have mercy. Your face looks like it tripped and smashed itself into the sidewalk. Just that it didn't. I'm sorry I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I think I here the mental hospital calling your name, Miss Schizo. 

And to you Mr Sleazeball, go find yourself a slut who would care less to take care of your problem down below. Your dirty comments are not welcomed and the "purrs" you make are just nasty. POO on you, I hope your kids never see this side of you because you're nothing but a sleazebag. Your leather jacket is as bad and outdated as your taste in music, and you smell like old man's cologne. There is no point trying to cover up a bad smell with another. 

02 June 2009

I finally got some time to play around with my camera and it was a nice day for some trial photo taking. Being bored at work, I manage to get through quite a few blogs and youtube videos, and came across some that taught fake macro photography.

So good on me cuz then I don't have to go out and spend thousands buying a fantastic macro lens that would burn some major holage in my pockets. The unfortunate thing was that I don't have a tripod, and rocking back and forth while you're trying to focus on a flower that's 1cm tall doesn't really help.

Of course some photos turned out really blurry, and I didn't quite manage to capture what I wanted. Overall, I'd give myself a pat on the back considering it's my first pseudo macro experience, without a tripod. Lol. And I somehow managed to get a sort of fisheye effect without a fisheye lens. Emphasis on SORT OF.

My sister reckons I should just go buy proper lenses but where's the fun in that??

28 May 2009

ok, what is going on. And I mean seriously, WHAT is going on? There's this massive influx of poseurs coming from Singapore it's hardly worth laughing over. These girls who are more into themselves than a mosquito is to blood. Or a kid in a candy shop. 

I know we all tend to get carried away every now and then with the cam-whoring, but these girls take it to a whole new level. Talk about being self-absorbed! Is this the kind of society we live in now? Advertising ourselves to the world, or at least, to anyone who even gives a shit? 

Came upon Nicole Chen and decided to click since I was bored. At first I thought, ooh, this chick is pretty hot judging from her photos. erm. I was wrong. 

And then my sis told me about Celeste Chen who she thought might be the sister. 

OMG. No wait. O-M-G. 

My sis said they had some videos on youtube, dancing and krumping and shit. Errrr. *blinks* Let's just say, photoshop makes people look good it's 100% deceiving. It's no wonder these girls are so into themselves! They don't look in the mirror, they look at their photoshopped photos and that's all they need. 

On Celeste's blog, up the top she states "Hating me wouldn't make you any prettier". All I have to say to that is, Damn honey, it might not but it sure makes me feel a lot better about your piss-ugly face. 


My bitch rant for the day. 

26 May 2009

Camping in Dwellingup

So us smart arses decided we should have a camping trip while the weather was still relatively warm and basically before winter hits. One of the reasons for that was that we only 5 degree sleeping bags. Which meant not warm enough. Anyhoos, we decided to go to Dwellingup as I was told it was a lovely area. The reserve was MASSIVE! Despite that, it was also full...

It was a hellish ride into the camp site. I need a 4WD, seriously. It took me about 20 mins to drive 5km. You know the speed bumps we get on roads to slow us down, well it was 10 time worse than that. Even driving at 20km/h (yes 20km/h) my car felt and sounded like it was about to fall to pieces.

I hate people with camper vans!!! It's super WTF. They choose the flattest bestest ground to PARK their camper van. What the hell for! It's not like they have to pitch a tent or sleep on the almost-not-quite-rock-hard ground. Bah. We ended up getting a pretty good spot after much hunting, only to have a big group of teenage girls set up camp right next to us.

The Marstons Tent - Supposed to fit 4, fit 2 and a half just nice
My tent - Supposed to fit 6. Fits 2 beautifully. And then some. Like my patio?

Our first morning, as you can tell from their faces, was not the most pleasant. It was freezing like you cannot imagine, and none of us got any sleep at all. We woke up at the first break of dawn. Mostly because we don't have dark out curtains, we wanted to get to the fire, and the tweens were screaming at 7 in the friggin' morning.

The evening (? morning ?) sun coming through the trees
The soft warm glow from the fire. We were smart enough to buy firewood this time, and bring super long matches. We would have died without a fire.

No more camping for a long while, not until we buy minus 10 degree sleeping bags. It was not any fun sleeping with double pairs of socks and trekkies, and 5 layers up top followed by a massive jacket whilst completely zipped up in the sleeping bag.

The end.

16 April 2009

In Loving Memory
1998 - 2009
Sage Marston
The best mate anyone could ask for. 
A fighter to the very end.
You never gave up despite it all. The tests, the treatment, the needles and the probing. The countless trips to the vet. You were as your name is, Sage, a warrior through it all. You were a brave soul and a fighter to the very end. 

Be happy in heaven darling boy, go run and play with Vision as you did before. Your mate has missed you, and now so will we. 

Much love Sagey. You will always be remembered. 

13 April 2009

Did you know that fanny means two different things in two different countries? Its in the same region of the body though, in the down south area. lol.

Anyhoos, just some pictures taken from a very touristy and photographic trip to Fremantle with the Singaporean visitors. We had a fantastic day that day and Chris was trigger and shutter happy. We all were. Good food, good company, good weather, good everything really.

All I had was my little Casio point and shoot, compared to the bad ass cameras them pros were lugging around. So I simply had to make do and shoot what I could. Not too shabby other than the photos being a bit pixelated once I opened them up in full screen. Oh well, will have to wait for a bit before my DSLR comes along. Anyone willing to donate a 5D Mark II to me?

I'm too lazy to filter through and post photos of actual people, plus the nicer actual people shots look nicer from Chris's camera. Obviously the Samsui and I were photo whoring for the 40D but it was well worth it. We have a hefty collection of which we will regret come our wedding days. Complete embarrassment but total fun.

Off to watch my shows now. Toodles!

04 April 2009

Tis but a facade.

My new blog template that is, the last one I uploaded exceeded the bandwidth and I had to go manually load the photos to my own server blah blah blah, I had no idea what I was supposed to do, so I decided to just change the template. That was much easier. And I think this looks nicer too, yes? No? Well this will be it till something else goes wrong with it. It's a lot girlier than I'm used to though. Pretty for a change, so not me, but yes. Deal with it. 

Some overdue photos.. 

At Beck's Music Box celebrating my graduation. Come on Clint, one for the camera!

With the Home Boy - and the Nostrils

Mark, the only sensible one around

On a different weekend, Veron decided we should have our routine BBQs at the Foreshores. Brunch this time - to reserve some good seats for ourselves. However, the people next to us had to outshine us. They had the same fold up table as us, but beautifully covered with a nice table cloth, and breakable champagne glasses compared to our throw-away-after-you-drink ones. Bah. Our breakfast was nicer though. 

As you can see in the photo above, the eggs weren't exactly sitting where it was supposed to be. As you can guess, the person who hates eggs cracked them onto the BBQ. ME. :) 3 in 1 anyone? 

Our chef of the day - Good Spatula Wrist Work

So the parentals were over during this time too, so we had a cosy family brunch. Everyone had an "OH MY GOD" moment when they had their cheese and crackers, thanks to the Harvey OMG cheese. Yummers! For $12 a piece, they had better go OMG or I'd give them something to OMG about. LOL. 

Well Summer is gone again, hello to Autumn. The moth balls smelling jumpers are starting to surface and the sun-kissed shorts are slowly being tucked away. How sad. Guess we could all do with a change in wardrobe for a bit. 


01 April 2009

April Fools Day - The day everyone tries to outprank each other. Funnily enough, no one cracked any April Fools jokes at work today...I guess journalists are a rather serious bunch? All I know is I was stuck at the back of the studio floor with a bunch of men who were getting seriously, erm, a bit much for my nose due to the lack of air-conditioning.

On the up side, I placed myself on top of Beckham. Nice. Hehe.

Eric Hutchinson is my new favourite singer. Nice. Now let's Rock n Roll.

19 February 2009

To lie is to fabricate, with intention to deceive. 

Some people call it half-truths, others say it's a stretch. When it comes down to it, the damage made is irrevocable. Yet most lies are built on the basis of what it is -  lies. It piles one on top of the other like the lego blocks I used to have when I was a kid, unsure of what to do but to stack 'em one after the other. As with Lego, at some point it all comes crashing down. And without question, crashing into the small pieces they are. 

Could someone explain to me why people feel the need to lie? This persistent need to change facts to something they feel will receive more attention. Is, say for example, concocting that you are an illegitimate son absolutely necessary in trying to sympathize with someone else's situation? Or cursing your family by insinuating their life is in danger? How tasteless. How morbid. How low can one person get with lies? 

I have to admit though, worse than lies is a person's folly in believing them. The naive and unsuspecting, the exploitable who trusts in all. Surely only a fool and a dimwit could fall for such obvious lies. But no. Despite a manifestation of lies, a fool is a fool, lest it is a dimwit. Same difference I say.  

They say what goes around comes around. (Or have I gotten it the other way round? no pun intended) Have we all been in dizzying circles all this while? Kind of like those rides at theme parks that go round 'n' round, up 'n' down? Yes, that must be it. I'm perplexed at what I did to receive my go arounds, and wondering when others will get their come arounds. 

At least I know this much, when they do get them come arounds, it's gonna be real bad. Yes, YOU, YOU and all of YOUs are gonna get hurt RRReal bad. 

Poo on you losers. I hope a fat bird diarrhea's on your brainless heads. No, I lie. I hope a flock of fat birds diarrhea on your brainless heads. 

22 January 2009

The three monkeys in my life, what does one say to that? This was at the Bjorn again concert in Kings Park, and my dear Ya-Ya fell in love with Uncle Clint and Aunty Veron. It's a bloody miracle. Oh, let's not forget Freckles and Dolly (whose hair can be seen just at the bottom of frame).
With Mama and Gong-Gong before going to the Andre Rieu concert. They have a mountain load of photos of their precious as it is, still "More, more!" they say. The little manja pot is so cute in her Gap dress. Lucky shit. Lol. I was lucky to get a dress from a pasar malam. The rest were hand me downs. Bah.
Miss Poseur - she LOVES to take photos, LOVES to pose, and LOVES to see her own photo after the shot's been taken. Sound familiar, Baobei?
She loves her Aunty-YiYi-Cherie as she so calls me from time to time due to confusion in titles. On the rare occasion, I am also called Mummy. Funny.
Last but not least, the good old Jap pose, or in our days - PEACE. Think the latter is far cooler.

Okelly Dokelly people...I just wanted to post some of my favourite photos of my niece, taken with my phone.


11 January 2009

I would give anything to go through the shit in life again for that to be taken away. 

I take it all back.

I can be a giant for all I care.

I can be the smallest pea if so needed.

Anything for it to be all okay. 

I miss you hun.

I love you more. 

I wish I could be with you now. 

10 January 2009

...... to keep someone you love by your side? 

Would you try to be someone you think they would love in order to ensure their love for always?

It's obviously a given when couples are in a honeymoon period though. Everything is oh-so-perfect, all you can think about is the other person and when you are going to spend time with them again. People tend to give in more easily because of that "special" feeling that leaves you tingly inside. 2 months later the flaws suddenly start to seep out from beneath the cracks and that oh-so-perfect vision slowly evaporates. REALITY HITS! It's not so easy to be someone else. 

At some point one WILL slip up and a little bit of the "real" person will do a little flashing. It's a pity people think the only way to get through life is to be someone else. Surely we all reach a point in our lives where we know who we are, or at least, who we want to be. Needless to say, some people want to be someone else. 

Would you tell little white lies to get away with the small things? 

I almost can't think of any examples because to me a lie is simply a lie, be it a white one, or black, red, pink or any colour for that matter. "Yes I've eaten." when you have not would probably classify as the most innocent white lie. However, as we all know, white lies sometimes and almost always, lead to bigger lies. And we all know what happens from there on. 

Would you lie about anything under the sun just to save your sorry ass?

Lying about your past, lying about your feelings, lying about what you want to do, lying about your thoughts and opinions, just plain and simple, lying. It is apparent that many do not understand or believe that honesty is the best policy. Truthfully, it often bites you in the ass. In my opinion, it's a smaller bite compared to having your lie bust in your face and getting caught out on your lie. 

Would you manipulate a person so they feel forever emotionally attached to you? 

I suppose this could constitute as lying, but at the same time it's almost different. I guess I should say manipulate a person's emotions ...... and make them feel like they can never leave you, and I mean under no circumstance. Especially if you were supposedly dying. How anyone can feel good about themselves by manipulation is absolutely beyond me. 


They say in life you should live and let live. They also say we should forgive and forget. Whoever they are, they need to come and show me how it's done because life is hard enough as it is without having to meet people who make it that much harder. 

They also say the things we go through only make us bigger persons. They should have a look at me, because if what they say is true, then I am a freaking giant

I sometimes wonder why God made me go through all I have and why I had to go through as much as I did in my short 24 years. But you he said is right, it was through my own choices and decisions life happened as it did for me. 

I chose to stick with you despite your lies and manipulation. You should have died when you said you were going to, and I wouldn't have had to cry the tears I did. Now look at you all happy and content, your entire family thinking you are the Angel of the World. I'm sure you look back and wonder where did it all go wrong. Well honey, take a look in the friggin' mirror and engage in all splendor of your ugliness. 

I used to think that LOVE would conquer all. At times it does, and I know it has pulled me through some very hard times. My love for my friends and family, that is. But it is no longer something I live for. I live for myself, for my future, and for the future of my future. 
