Remember what it was like when you were a kid, and we'd have imaginary friends who always had a seat beside you at the dinner table, and be your playtime partner when everyone else was either too busy or sleeping? Or playing make-believe and giving yourself pseudo names and gorgeous boyfriends who were just too cool?

Maybe all this sounds a little girly for guys who are too busy playing it tough with their transformers figurines (yes, not dolls!) and remote-controlled cars. But I remember all that so clearly, it was almost like we were living this life we wished to have when "we grew up". Like we were ever going to meet those perfect guys we had imagined up for ourselves. And then life happened. We did grow up, but not according to the imaginary world we concocted. We meet the bitches and bastards that surround us, especially in high school. And then life happens even more. What we knew as imagination just completely goes out the window and we're forced to deal with reality, straight smack in the face.

Have you ever read a good book with fabulous characters that as you read, you feel like you're absorbed into an entirely different universe? And there's always that one character you relate so well to you wish your life were like that. Sometimes for me, I feel so sad to finish a book because it means that somewhat parallel universe I immersed myself into, is gone.

Reading a book is like escaping reality to me. You forget all the shit in life, and you take on the character you like most in the book, and feel every emotion throughout. Most times there's always a happy ending. I guess that's why I hate, HATE romance novels. The immense passion, love and extreme emotions are too hard to handle. And almost every character is described to be drop dead gorgeous. Get real.

I wish a parallel universe did exist. I wished life's plans always went accordingly. But no. Reality sucks sometimes.