Uni's just only began and already I'm looking forward to a good ol' break at some place that's quiet and surreal without the presence of technology. Be it in the outback enjoying the night sky and wonderous stars, or just hiding out at some hotel. I suppose in some ways my house is like a hotel. Live alone in this big quiet place, with the TV as my companiance, and the glorious sky just at my backyard.

People often ask if I get lonely, but I've learnt to appreciate my alone time. Strumming my guitar, singing on the top of my voice without a care in the world (or anyone to diss my singing). The simple joys in life. Music brings a sense of joy and peace to me, especially when its just instruments.

I'm amazed at the skills some musicians have and can only wish one day I can be as good as they are. The piano is my ultimate love, followed by the guitar. Something so simple yet complexed at the same time, when played can produce the most beautiful sounds to ease the soul. I admire people who have the creativity to create songs of their own just with a few strums. Music of the soul, I'd call it.

My current fav: Jack Johnson. His voice is so soothing, all I have to do is close my eyes.

But can anyone tell me what genre singers like Jack Johnson, James Blunt and Daniel Powter fall under? I have no clue. All i know is that they're all solo singers who play the guitar so well, and have unique voices of their own.