Take a step back and look at life and how you're living it,
Does it not sometimes feel you're living a dream?
Fermented pain and difficult times make you only want to quit,
You're the only player in your own game, there is no team.

You aren't really there, everything is nothing but surreal,
You reach out to touch around you but it all fades away.
There's no way to know how to really feel,
Life is but a waiting game, when it ends no one can say.

Listening to Corrine May, first song in the album is Little Super Hero Girl. To a certain extent I can relate to the lyrics, especially the line:

"I feel like a little girl, trying to conquer the whole wide world."

I'm not exactly trying to conquer the whole world, perhaps, just my own world. The way I live it, the way I want to live it, and the expectations I have of myself and how I perform as part of a being in this world. Similar to an out of body experience, I take a step back to look at myself and what's happened in my life so far, certain memories more faded than others.

We've all gone through pain in our lives, and each may be harder for another to cope with. But without pain, how would we ever know what joy and happiness are? Unfortunately, life is a vicious cycle and everything that happens happens for a reason. Comparable to a soap opera I suppose, it definitely is one big drama (re-runs included).

The little joys in life are what makes me happy, I can live off nothing but that. The companiance of friends and family is all I would ever need to fulfil my needs. Yet at times where I'm alone at home, thoughts like these hit me without reason and don't seem to go away. The only solution is to hide in the comfort of my bed and doona, and wait till I fall asleep and awake to a brand new day.

Some of us may live till we're 60-70, some maybe more, but no matter what we are all uncertain when death may come upon us. Whoever said to live life like there's no tomorrow was just a moron, if so we'd all be frantic as I speak. However, it is important to be careful with decisions made, and live each day to the fullest. Time stops for no one, and life will always go on. Months and years go by quickly and each second we grow older. Appreciate the little things in life and you'll find so much wonder.

Looking at the night sky filled with millions of stars never cease to amaze me. The way a tree grows and a flower blooms seems almost miraculous like they have a life of their own. A baby's giggle at a simple sound. Happiness can be found in the littlest of things, but as humans we always search for more.

Enough is never truly enough....