In the mix - MY TOP PICKS:

23 October 2006

On Friday, we celebrated Jan & Dag's birthday in advance. All that planning definitely did not go to waste and everything went almost exactly as planned! The place we booked was a little smaller than expected, but the crowd that turned up was also a lot smaller than expected. Got the balloons ready and had to change into our viking and wenche costumes in a hurry.

We started at about 4.30 at Jan's flat to get them drinking - 3/4 of Jim Beam, a full bottle of Vodka, 6 Jim Beam mixers and 6 Tooheys Extra Dry. Everything was gone except the vodka. Olivere had to pick them up at 6.30 and according to him, they were so drunk. He asked me "What did you do to them??? They were giggling in the car and I was afraid they were gonna puke in my car!"

Oh, and they were blindfolded. Haha. So fun.

Peektures! (oh and I got drunk as a donkey. heh. proud of me zhen?)

Jan getting drunk slowly and me high on Jim Beam

Thomas our balloon man. 29 balloons won't help you fly. I tried.

One viking, 3 wenches. Notice I'm blonde.

This is how happy and surprised they were once blindfolds were off.

The night started off really happy, and ended really happy too. We never stopped drinking and it was AWESOME! I'm glad I wasn't drunk off my boots, but enough to have to think hard about stuff I did. I'm glad those who came did, and those who said they would and couldn't even inform me they weren't......what am I to say? You missed out.

hot :)

Meet Henry the Croc.

Zee Boys All Vikings

Not wenches but still strong.

Ok that's all for now folks.... I'm bored of clicking and waiting for the photos to download. And my instant noodles are waiting for me. haha.

17 October 2006

It astounds me when I look at think about the life you lead now, and how intoxicated with happiness you are. I am perplexed when I think about how glorious life is for you after the pain you managed to cause. I'm piqued you could so easily forget the pain you inflicted on another's life for your selfish gains, yet only one person is left hurt. Almost everyday I'm struggling to rid my mind of the nightmares you caused me to go through, only for you to have turned around and point the fault finger at me.

After more than 2 years, I'm still affected, I'm still hurt. In my mind I'm this little girl coiled up in a corner of a room too afraid of anything, but yet life goes on. I could easily say you destroyed my life, and to a certain extent you did, but I'm better than that, and I'm better than you. What you put me through on a daily basis could only make me stronger. I just wish you knew that the actions you thought were innocently done simply because of love, could and has done permanent damage. They weren't innocent and you weren't stupid. I wish you were, then it would be so much easier to move on from the pain.

I hear of stories of you and your life, not because I want to, but because I don't really have a choice. I see pictures of you, and I try to wish you all the best. But it's not fair. You don't deserve it, and you don't deserve my blessings or forgiveness. You dragged me to hell and left me to crawl out on my own. I wish the people around you knew.

You manage to keep up the facade of an angel to those around you. But deep inside stems a boy who's full anger and hatred because he is scared. Scared of nothing but fights nothing anyway. Your family thinks the world of you, and they look at me like I hurt the best person there is. They used to smile but now they smirk. You keep it that way, you like the facade you live in. I wish they knew.

You don't deserve to not know what you did, to be able to brush it aside like it never happened at all. You don't deserve a happy life where ignorance is bliss. You're a liar and a cheat. I wish I could tell you that straight in your face but i won't. I'm bigger and better than you.

No apology, no remorse, no nothing. You gave me none of those but I wished you the best in life.

I just wish you knew.

15 October 2006

Yesterday we went to Little Creatures to celebrate Justin's birthday. My whole plan of going was simply to get him smashed. Of course it worked - too well. However while Jeremy & I were waiting for Jachin to get his shoes, we were parked in front of a large garbage bin when we noticed this.

The Bin :


Yeah okay, I'm going to be dumb enough to want to enter a garbage bin full of, let's see, GARBAGE? That was our laugh of the day. So remember kids, Do Not Enter a garbage bin. The smell could be more hazardous than you think.

So we got to Creatures, & immediately the bo9ys bought Justin 2 beers. He was happy - at first. But we made him drink the 1st one in less than 5 minutes. Then we wanted to snap some photos, & the boys wanted to pretend to lick his face. Justin freaked out as you can see.

It was stupidly funny. Justin got more and more drunk, and became a real crude ass. He was full of "sweet" words. We were being asses and we forcing him to drink. All we got was "I hate you all, fuck you, you're all bastards". Hahaha. I'm never gonna let him live this down. BUt then he drank too much and decided he had to puke. He left a trail of puke on the way to the toilet, but he came back a happy man (with an extra 4 beers).

Most of the night was just spent laughing at the Birthday boy. It was fun. I'm sure he don't feel too good today. And i'm gonna get loads of shit but i don't care. heh.

The Most of Us

After we bought him about 7 beers and the place was about to close, Justin was completely wasted. As we made our way to the exit, about 10 metres away, Justin very calmly walked and puked next to a table of people then walked away as if that was normal. We walked outside, he reached the road and he puked somemore while walking. It was soooo gross! Then he decided to puke in a bush while a group of people cheered him on. Not cool. He then came after me to hug me cuz i was snapping photos of him.

So that was how the night ended.

13 October 2006

I dyed my hair dark brown with pink highlights!!! Woot! The guy actually wanted me to go black, but that completely freaked me out. Never had black hair in my life, good god, from brown to black is scary. ok not link pink is much better, but I love it! Always wanted to have pink hair and now i do. Yippee. Here's a photo, please ignore my pimple and retainers. Uggs.

The weather here has been picking up, going to the beach loads and loads and loads. Whoop-dee-doo. Getting darker and darker. And more and more naggings from my sis. Haiya. I'm just glad i'm no longer a white shade of pale which screams "Winter Skin!!!". Been having bbqs as well. Lovely lovely lovely.

Was gonna post more photos, but blogger screwed up on me. Oh well.


10 October 2006

First touch rugby match today, first time playing in a mixed team. It was pretty damn exciting shit. We did pretty well considering we'd never played in this team before, against a team playing together for 2 years. 6-3. I reckon that's hell good. I shall not reveal the team's name. Sounds a little ridiculous to me. Heh.

Last night Alex, dear ol' Alex, cooked us PEPPER CRABS! Holy shit that was good stuff man. 5 of us, 12 flower crabs and 18 man tous. Nothing beats that I tell you. I went straight to fatty hell but it was all well worth it. Thanks dude, those were the best crabs I've had in a long time. Some pictures for today.. lazy to type.

And i got a sudden case of hiccups. *hic*

Before Dinner Started

The Damage We Did. Yum.