In the mix - MY TOP PICKS:

18 April 2006

Its been a relaxing long weekend, spent some quality time with my friends without having to worry about anything else. Feels nice to just be able to sit back without having to think about work. Its been quite a while since we've been able to do things like that, leaves a nice warm feeling just thinking about it. Freo is a really nice place to be, tonnes of quaint cafes and pubs, and many free places to go for viewing pleasure. I'm glad. There are so many things about Perth to appreciate though some find it boring. But like a friend said, there will always be things to do if you just look for it, and indeed there has been.

Its ironic how I set up this blog as an outlet to release my inner thoughts and as a place for friends to view to see how I'm doing all the way down under. An updating mechanism if you would call it. I can't stop people from viewing what I write, it is afterall, publicly accessible worldwide. But I can't help but find it funny, in a not so humourous way, how others have such high interest in knowing about my life for the pure sake of putting me down. Correct me if i'm wrong, but they're most likely known as busybodies, gossip mongers, no-life-whatchamacallits...the list goes on but you know the kind i'm talking about. For Singaporeans, easily put - kaypoh.

I'm not naming anyone (for obvious reasons of anonymity). But can someone please explain to me, why indulge in something/one you quite apparently detest? Another thing that bugs me - if you dislike someone, why not outrightly tell the person how you feel instead of trying to act cool being sneaky? I have only one reason. Such a person seriously lives & feeds of the lives of others, without which they have no goal in life and possibly falter and die, and extreme cowardice, in that respective order.

Funny that, eh?

How hard can it be to stand up to your own opinions, to put forth your point with pride because you know you are right? Unless of course you are unsure of yourself, then that's a different story. Life is quirky that way...takes so many kinds of people to make the world go round.

Shit I couldn't care less if half the world hated my guts, hell it could jolly well be a fact. Like anyone cares.

I love my little bunch of friends from all over the world, and great family who love and support me. I'm content in my own world. To those who live off hate, may you find inner peace.

17 April 2006

"I believe that the very purpose of life is to be happy. From the very core of our being, we desire contentment. In my own limited experience I have found that the more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well-being. Cultivating a close, warmhearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease. It helps remove whatever fears or insecurities we may have and gives us the strength to cope with any obstacles we encounter. It is the principal source of success in life. Since we are not solely material creatures, it is a mistake to place all our hopes for happiness on external development alone. The key is to develop inner peace."

Quote from the Dalai Lama

I don't know how many of you can relate, but I seek some truth in his words of wisdom. I feel so happy when I help friends and family, and know that I have helped in some way in their happiness. It's what I live for. If those close to me are unhappy, I'll never be truly satisfied because I know there's something I can do in my own power to help make things better. Yet I also do know there will be situations where its best for me to stay out of.

How do we find inner peace? How do we come to terms with our own problems and situations, and learn to accept what life throws us? It's not simple, but I'm pretty sure it isn't that difficult either. We complicate things for ourselves, perhaps as a defense mechanism built up over past failures. Sometimes it's easier to stay safe rather than take a risk to see what happens. That way, however, prevents the good stuff from appearing too.

Its hard to act on what you preach. Talk is easy. But it always is in a third person point of view. Some people focus solely on their happiness and success, others live of others to achieve that.

What is my point? I have no fucking clue.

I just want my chocolate.

09 April 2006

Jamie Cullum taking full advantage of his gorgeous piano.

I'm love with a man whose name starts with J. Jamie Cullum that is. That man is serious hot stuff!! Michael Buble may melt the hearts of ladies, but Jamie Cullum floats my boat, knocks my socks off, whatever you name it, he does it. His act was mind-blowing, completely stunning, hair-raising, heart-stunning...AWESOME!! His performance was soooo energetic, especially for such mellow songs. Jumping off pianos, smashing the keys with his lil bum, hopping about the stage. He has such a fantastic voice and fabulous stage persona, it was truly captivating. Kudos to his band too, for if anything they helped create better music for an already good musician.

His great saxophone player and Jamie in the background.

We had been waiting a few ours before, chilling around the area listening to other bands we hadn't quite heard of before. Josh Pyke, The Beautiful Girls, Blue King Crown and Ash Grunwald were the few who were pretty good at rocking things up at the start.

Josh Pyke and his friends from Sydney.

From L to R: My lovelies, the Harbour Stage, Claire and I.

Here's another man who can have my babies. Sizzling hot! His performance was boring, but that's the way Pete Murray is. He's not much of an entertainer, just a simple singer. We love our locals either way. If you haven't heard his songs, shame on you! He's fantastic! It was so cool that we could be right near the stage when he came on, the girls were serious fanatics, singing off-tune to his fab tunes. Still enjoyable though. Got a few videos of him singing, can't stop watching them!

Damian Marley, the legendary Bob Marley's son exceeded all our expectations. I thought he was gonna be more reggae style, but shit was he great! Belting out songs with extreme lyrical meaning, that man has my support. Promoting peace and love...that man creates a name of his own despite having the Marley blood. He isn't that big as yet, but I would definitely pay to watch him at his own concert. The Jamaican accent is extremely song, but seriously sexy.

Last but not least, is Bernard Fanning from Powderfinger. That man has a voice that calls out to the masses. His cd rocks, but his live performance is 10 times better. The stage was lit with boho style lamps, lights changing every now and then. It was perfect. However i have to state, I do not want his babies and I do not think he's hot, not with the frazzled hair & beard look. Doesn't affect him as a singer though. Was dead tired by the time he came on, but his melodious voice helped us persist.

Blues & Roots 2006 was awesome, I would go again next year, better prepared for the heat. A few fights broke out here and there, one almost with us and these idiotic kids. Its easier to enjoy sober, had 2 drinks and that was it for me. The fest is enough to keep me happy for a long time!!

04 April 2006

These are my friends from back home. I miss them.

This is the car I will own in the future. Papaya Lambo.

This is my best friend, who really is quite sweet.

These are a few of my favourite blondes.

This is the little girl whom I really miss who is now in Norway. She loves the zoo.

03 April 2006

They look really cute and adorable don't they? Like your typical kids next door, innocent smiles and their blonde hair and blue eyes. Well peeps, you're looking at Hitler's followers and complete Nazis'. Just because they're kids doesn't make them any less insane & idiotic as other racist adults in the world. In my opinion, I'd spit on them if I could.

I was reading Woman's Day when I came about an article about "Prussian Blue", this pair of twins who spread nationalism through pop music. Correction, horrendous sounds of what they call music. I wanted to learn more about these girls only in this world for 13 years so I went to their website. They had samples of their music and I was hoping for their sake it would at least sound good. I couldn't even listen to 10 seconds of it.

Totally out of tune, horrible singing voices, and the lyrics are the worst bit of all. So they're Nazi idiots, and they sound bad. How much worse a combination can it get? Stupid German kids thinking they can get into politics without actually living life first. I'm sure they must be influenced by their parents teachings, for kids come into the world innocent, only to have their minds polluted. At the age of 13, how could any kid be so sure of a political standpoint?

I was reading their blog and came upon an entry titled "Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi!" That disgusted me even further that Australians backed this up, a whole white supremacy shite. What right do they have to fight for being Australian? They can hardly call themselves Australians considering they are immigrants to a country that does not belong to them. Most come from England as prisoners. Yes may i emphasize, PRISONERS. They took over a land that did not belong to them, claiming what is not theirs & building a culture based on "barbies and the surf". The indigneous Australians are the real Australians. Poo on you racist Australians. This wasn't your land to start with.

No offence to the other Australians though, please don't get me wrong. I have nothing against you, but when extremities as such are occuring, it makes me so mad! Is it that impossible to live in a multicultural society, where we are all able to rely on one another? Is it that hard to live in a harmonious environment built on diversity? Colour is merely skin deep, essentially we are all the same underneath. Same organs, same limbs, same body structure. Be it caucasian, african, chinese, japanese, european...we're all the same. Some smart, some stupid, some different.

But its dipshits like "Lamb and Lynx" (who's name is LAMB???) that should be in refinement centres. Their parents should just live in mars where they can conquer the "land"

You deserve no sense of humanity what so ever, for supporting one of the most evil person's man kind has ever known - Adolf Hitler. I don't hate people like you, I pity you for having brains smaller than an ant.

02 April 2006

Apparently not much people care for Malcolm X, I'm just assuming because of the lack of comments on that particular post. -shrugs- My sister thinks he's insane. What more can I say.

Read a book for my assignment about Men and Women in converstion, it's so true how both genders perceive things so differently. As I was reading, I realized I could relate more to the men than I could to the women. Eerie! I guess i can relate to both, but men do have a point. Of course, sometimes they're just dipshits who JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND. So no matter what, I'm still with the women. Heh.

I'm rushing a presentation and assignment, so I can't give a shit about a good ol' entry. I thought the Malcolm X bit was good, guess not. Here are just some photographs taken off Claire's camera.

01 April 2006

Malcom X, a legend in his own being, a master of his beliefs and a man of great integrity. A man brave enough to voice his words to the public of America to stand for what he believed to be right, a man who was willing to risk his life for the better of his people - Afro-Americans. Although his being is no longer, in his grave he remains undefeated, undefeated by those who opposed his views, undefeated by those against him.

Watching the movie about his life has opened my eyes up to different perspectives. It wasn't just about an entertaining story, or the life of someone who did what he did. It is about the way situations evolve, how history may repeat itself, how being people with the lack of knowledge feel scared, afraid of change turn to only one solution - violence.

The year may be 2006, generations away from 1925 with a completely different way of life as compared to back then. People however, never change in the way they think. Thoughts are based on past knowledge, history, culture, information from various sources. Thoughts don't comes from nothing, they are never original, and they always stem from something that will evoke the thought. And sometimes, thoughts cannot be controlled and only lead us astray.

Malcom X may have been somewhat of a fanatic, but essentially he simply stood up and voiced out what many others couldn't. I may not be afro-american, but I honour and salute this man for the bravery very few of us could admit to having. How many of us can leave this earth knowing we leave with our pride, honour and dignity, and love of our people?

"When a person places the proper value on freedom, there is nothing under the sun that he will not do to acquire that freedom. Whenever you hear a man saying he wants freedom, but in the next breath he is going to tell you what he won't do to get it, or what he doesn't believe in doing in order to get it, he doesn't believe in freedom. A man who believes in freedom will do anything under the sun to acquire . . . or preserve his freedom." "

- A quote by Malcom X

Go check out the movie on DVD if you're truly keen in knowing more about this man. I must say Denzel Washington did a more than superb job portraying the role of a legend.

Swamped with preparations for presentations and assignments, its a whole vicious cycle again of late nights and high levels of stress. That's the beauty of Uni ain't it? This semester is crazier than the last, yet on that same note a little more fun. It's just a matter of getting the hang of things & loving what you do. Film & television unit this sem is a lot more hands on and fun too, just finished my script, hopefully when I pitch it to the class it gets chosen! It would be so cool to be a director of my own mini film.

The weather's screwing with everyone's health, I don't know anyone who hasn't either come down with a sore throat or a cold. I'd hate to think though that I was the one passing my germs on. But its good my parents came down from Singapore, its lovely to have my momma looking after me when I'm sick, doing the cooking and cleaning. Kudos to my mommy!

Life can get so messy at times, it throws you curve balls expecting you to catch them. Its times like that you appreciate your friends a lot more, and those who stick by you no matter what. How wonderful it is to be able to simply pick up your mobile and call a friend to whine for half an hour of your life. Especially those who don't mind just sitting with a cuppa chatting the night away. What could be better than having a decent conversation with someone you feel so comfortable with? I thank my lucky stars for having those people in my life over here.

Can't believe I considered being a loner when I came here, not wanting to make an effort to know people or develope friendships. Without family, friends are of utmost importance, especially at times when you dig yourself a hole to hide, they're the ones who drag you out. Some I may hardly meet or talk to, but at the end of the day when we get together, we still have a good time.

Its time to hit the books again. Or rather, DVDs I borrowed to use for my presentation. Watching movies as homework! Aren't you jealous? Haha..