In the mix - MY TOP PICKS:

24 October 2005

The Australia Governor's house opened for a rare chance to the public yesterday. It was a beautiful place with a somewhat enchanting and huge garden. Vintage cars were lined up the main entrance, it was definitely a great experience I'm glad I didn't miss. Of course it looks nothing like a palace or anything of the sort, but at least I got a chance to see the place the governor lives and works in.

There were little hills (slopes) of grass everywhere and kids were rolling and running up and down it. Jen (you, american) said its helluva lot of fun and I mentioned I'd never rolled down one before. She, being the friend that she is, forced (kinda) me to roll down one. "That's what these hills are for! To roll down stupid!" Before I could vehemently disagree, she was all set on the grass. So I lay there like one of the kids and rolled down.

It was farking fun! I was laughing all the way down and I'm telling you, if you've never rolled down one before, GO FIND A HILL AND ROLL! Haha I sound insane I know, but like Jen says, "these are the things we adults have to do and laugh ourselves crazy". Always gotta keep the child in us alive eh?

The Australian life rocks when you have whacky American and European friends who don't mind doing silly things.

22 October 2005

Its unimaginable how miserably stingy people can be. I absolutely understand if every meal you have were bought on coins you had to dig from the bottom of someone's couch. BUT, how is it humanely possible to contribute a mere 2 fucking dollars for someone's birthday? I completely do not comprehend that, not when these people are drinking whisky, bourbon and coke during a chill-out session.

2 bucks gets me an hour at a car park. 2 bucks does not even get me a big packet of chips. At a vending machine I wouldn't even be able to buy a bottle of mineral water! And yet these people expect to come to a barbeque and have side dishes and drinks provided for them? I don't think so, you cheap-skate bastards.

I'd be appalled to find out my long time high school friend contributed that amount, or even an ex who's a good friend. Its insanely Selfish. Arranging and planning for these kinda things really shows you the true colours of the people we think are "friends". Its funny how those who hardly know the birthday girl want to contribute more. I'm just plain appalled and depressed by people. For crying out loud, its a birthday party and all we want is to have a good time without having to kill our bank accounts for the sake of your stomachs.

I'm just cheesed off. Tomorrow is Malou's birthday, us girls are going to have the time of our lives. We will eat and drink ourselves silly & make sure Malou has a blast.

Cheapskate bastards like Ferhad and Mikel can have one piece of lettuce and a tomato.


20 October 2005

Memories once created can but only be remembered.

They paint pretty pictures in your mind.

A picture paints a thousand words. Enough said.

I love that picture.

18 October 2005

What is the root of your happiness?

I read a similar question on my bestie's blog, her answer was life, as ambiguous as that may sound. I certainly couldn't agree more. I hardly ever thought about that, to me happiness and life is what you make of it. Off the top of my head I would probably say that my friends and family is the base of my happiness, yet on second thought, they are the foundation of my life. It is with them that I go through the trials and tribulations of my life, and they are my pillar of strength and support in my times of turmoil.

We learn through each other's experiences, and in turn grow mentally and emotionally. We become stronger when we realize we have to be there for someone else whom may be weaker than us at a certain point in time, we see in us aspects we never thought existed. It is through going through the many ups and downs that we get to where we are today. I would definitely say that it was worth going through the worse times of my life, just because I'm so much stronger and mature than I would be without having them.

I've learnt a terrible lot and the hard truth about how cold the world can be. But you know what? It doesn't deter me but in fact pushes me to be better than people who ruin the purity of others. Till this day I don't understand how people can take joy in someone else's misery, to plan and scheme even when they know it would hurt another person in every sense of the word. If you don't like someone, why not just ignore him/her and lead your own life? Some people have nothing else better to do...really, we're all supposed to be grown-ups, not teeny boppers from high school.

I've met many people along the way in my 21 years of being in this world, a lot of whom have been great disappointments. I suppose the more important factor is that I've met great people who are still in my life till this day, and that beats meeting the "baddies" anytime. Many come and go and the wind never stops blowing me to different directions, but I will flow with the wind to whereever it takes me and make the best out of every situation.

I'm thankful to have gone through all that I have in my life, its made me who I am today. Those who have been there for me through my ups and downs, and those who tried to make my life miserable, I thank you nevertheless. Kudos to you all.

Shoutout to my Samsui Sister: Babe you are stronger than you could possibly imagine and I know these are hard times to go through now. I'm sorry I'm not there right now but I'm coming back as soon as I can. I'll do all I can to help and you know in your heart always where you can find me. I'm sure my nagging voice is always at the back of your head. I love you and I'm so glad you've found happiness in life once again. The Samsuis are back! You rock my socks babe.