Gong Xi Fa Cai! Wan Shi Ru Yi! Happy Chinese New Year Everybody!

Yeah, seems like the only time I actually blog nowadays is during a estive season. Bugger that. Don't have the freedom of the usage of internet in my hands. Mom cancelled it when I moved to Aussie land and now I gotta subscribe to the daily ones. If it weren't for Celine and Roger coming back, I probably would still have to wait till I went back to Perth.

But anyhows, its the long awaited Chinese New Year! Woo-hoo! I've been waiting for this day a long, long time. The money I'll collect from the red packets are greatly gonna contribute to my Europe fund. I can't wait to see little Chantrea in the cute little chong sam I bought for her. Do hope it fits, she's grown so much in the past couple of months. And of course as promised, I'd have to send photos to Jen and Erika.

Its been a real lazy holiday, no one wants to employ someone for such short period of time. I guess I'm not too much in the mood to work either. Its been topsy turvy too with family ordeals going one. AND! The flu bug is going around attacking everyone again. I, on the other hand, got the gastric flu which is much worse if you ask me. Constipation and a stomach full of wind is not a joke. Had to fly down to A & E only to wait an hour an a half to be seen. All better now and ready to take on the Chinese New Year.

Reunion dinner tonight, first dinner with my sis in 8 years, first with Roger. Its wonderful. On top of that, we have Chantrea too. Hope you guys have a wonderfu Chinese New year!

Hugs and Kisses!