The complexities of a human mind is so hard to understand that it creates more complexities in your own mind as you try to figure them all out. The conclusion - why bother?

The reasonable and most practical explanation of all would be that it is in human nature to think and probe further than what is on face level, yet we are the ones who create these complexities for ourselves only to get caught in our own messy web of thoughts. Ironically enough, it is difficult of most humans to think in a rational, logical and realistic way when emotions come into play. Some only know how to think with their heart, some only with their minds. Is it really that hard to think with both in order to get the most practical answer for the situation, considering other circumstances?

Maybe in that sense, that is a fault in me. I may just be too practical and logical, that in turn that creates problems. Is there such a thing? Is it wrong to try to make the best decision for the certain situation at that point in time? It also is much harder when people surrounding you share the same thoughts and sentiments as everyone else other than yourself. That's when you start to doubt your thoughts and decisions.

Why the shit does everything have to be so complicating?

I wish we could all just live life as is, and take things as they come. Easy come, easy go. Obviously different situations call for different measures, but generally speaking, things need not be as complicated and we make them to be, are they?