In the mix - MY TOP PICKS:

30 August 2005

A sunny day down at Swan Valley, with none other than my 2 lovelies & family. Sun shone brightly for the joyous celebration of Uncle John's birthday. As you can see from the pictures, it sure as hell was a happy day. Look at my chubby little niece, makes me just wanna squish her. She's definitely well-fed on mommy's milk. Grew so much in 6 weeks.

Lazy to type today, although i'm hyper-active from 2 double shot flat whites.

Seek Not My Heart
by Kit McCallum

Oh gentle winds 'neath moonlit skies,
Do not you hear my heartfelt cries?

Below the branches, here about,
Do not you sense my fear and doubt?
Side glistening rivers, sparkling streams,
Do not you hear my woeful screams?

Upon the meadows, touched with dew,
Do not you see my hearts a'skew?
Beneath the thousand twinkling stars,
Do not you feel my jagged scars?

Seek not my mournful heart kind breeze,
For you'll not find it 'mongst these trees.

It's scattered 'cross the moonlit skies,
Accompanied by heartfelt sighs.
It's drifting o're the gentle rain,
A symbol of my silent pain.

It's buried 'neath the meadow fair,
Conjoined with all the sorrow there.
It's lost among the stars this night,
Too far to ease my quiet fright.

No gentle winds, seek not my heart,
For simply ... it has torn apart.

28 August 2005

Current Addiction: Double shot flat whites. Double shot lattes. Double shot addiction.

Current Expression: Zombiefied

Current State of Mind: One of those fat & lazy days. "I feel fat."

Current Action: A fart & a burp & a finger up the nose paints a pretty picture doncha say?

Current Self-Humour Moment: Laughing at a grown guy walking around with a toy gun.

Current Wish: Wake me up when September ends.

Current Thought:

Humans evolve in different ways & are continuosly influenced by their peers and surroundings. Some fit in, some stand out, and some are just plain weird. Can't say exactly which category I fall under, who is able to define what's weird & what's not. We're all a lil complicated up there, which makes us all unique, eclectic, and even eccentric in our own ways.

Current Quirks: ok i liked the title but i can't fill it in. mind went blank on this.

Current pet peeve: Bad spelling in a really good piece of writing.

Current To-do-list: Buy those pair of boots i saw at shoe outlet that's going for 30 buckaroos.

Enough about current. I don't even know where that came from. I only wanted to mention my current addiction and it multiplied from there. Next up - let's talk about sex. haha. Either you're sitting up in your chair or you're squirming about in it. In whatever context, you decide.

Its not a big deal anymore, not in today's society at least. You're either having it or you're not, you either love it or you don't. No two ways to it. Well, of course unless you're so down on your luck you can't score, or you're simply just not getting some. Whatever. Who cares. Obviously my friends do, there's not one time I'm with them I don't hear something about it. Coming from Singapore, its not exactly under the "hot topic" list. Amongst many its still quite a hush-hush, under the table taboo talk kinda thing.

This is where the under 16s can stop reading. Haha. Bullshit. Some of them could jolly well be more well-informed than I am. I'm not sure if any of you have watched the show "Thirteen", but its a freaky awakening to the reality of teens nowadays & how sex is a normal part of their lives. Kisses are more sacred than blowjobs/handjobs, sex comes before you hold a person's hand. Sex is no longer about the love and passion shared between 2 people, sex has becomes a thing that's almost as normal as going shopping at the mall.

Call me conventional, but the sequence in which I believe (true) relationships should develop between 2 people is as such: consecutive phone calls/text messages, a coupla dates, hand holding, kissing, then the heavy stuff follows. In that order, 1st to 4th base. Although the development of technology has almost led to the inexistence of long phone calls 'cuz wusses can just type things out without seeing or hearing the person. Technology wipes out passion, yet ironically it backs it up. We're now able to consecutively contact people no matter how far apart we are.

My conclusion, which i'm sure many have heard before - technology and men go hand in hand, you can't live with them, but you can't live without it.

Guilty as charged. (again)

26 August 2005

I was sitting in the city, chilling to a good cuppa flat white, silently observing my surroundings. It was nice, peaceful and relaxing, other than the occasional pigeon landing on my table trying to peck at my delish bagel.

To my right were two teenage boys, probably around 14-15 years of age. I was quite taken aback by their conversation. One of them was smoking, definitely under the legal age. They were talking about booze, alcohol and parties. Hitting on girls (they weren't lookers) and stuff like that. And from their accent, most likely Indos. I'm surprised, although i know i shouldn't be in this day and age. But its quite scary, wouldn't want my kids to be partying with booze & smokes at that age.

I turned to my left and saw another buncha teens, on average I would say 14-15 years of age as well. All smoking. There was one in particular that caught my attention, i was quite sure that she looked like she was only 12 or so. She has youth & underaged printed all over her, yet there she was smoking and hugging this guy who looked like he was 18. *shudders* what are kids coming to?

I don't assume it was any better during my time, but I guess its a lot more common now than it was back then. Its freaky how the younger generation are developing, ever so eager to be older than they are. I suppose we really only treasure our youth once we lose it. From then, there's no turning back.

But why is it that kids simply want to grow up so fast? 14 year olds dressing to look like they're 21, taking up smoking and drinking like that supposedly makes them look "grown up" and mature. The only thing it makes them look is tacky. What ever happened to being merely a kid and enjoying the simplicity of life that comes with it? Has the child-like innocence and endearing qualities been lost?

I understand that times change and generations never remain the same, but the change is oddly disturbing and no one seems to give two hoots about it. I read an article in The Western Australia that in the next 10 years, smoking will be almost completely non-existent. Where are these people getting their information from? I see more people smoking, not quitting. So what's the deal with that?

Its not just about trying something for the fun of it anymore. Neither is it "just a passing phase". Its a "requirement" in teens, a normality to grow up with. Peer pressure could just be an excuse. Correct me if i'm wrong.

I just fear for the future generations. The next thing we know, marijuanna, esctasy & all sorts of drugs will be widely consumed and used, and become a normality of life. I'm quite then, that all of us will close one eye to and swallow the strange developement of our younger generations.

25 August 2005

Wednesday nights at The Waterford again. Actually called Bookers Bar, wonder why its called The Waterford since that's the name of the suburb I live in.

Karaoke cum Bar cum Disco. Whatever you wanna call it, not exactly the hippest place to be, but all us Uni students go there just for the sake of it. Its not that bad i guess, get a good chance to mingle and know more poeple from school. Sad thing is the bad singing gets so loud, you barely remember the names of the people you meet cuz its inaudible.

Didn't drive last night, my girls wanted to see me wasted. Too bad for them i wasn't, well not exactly. Spent most of my time standing around talking to *ahem* Andy and Nick. hehe. Couldn't move around much cuz Christina was so drunk she stomped on my fractured toe when Miguel pushed her. Ugh. She didn't even realize it, i seriously thought i was gonna black out again. Mimmi just topped my glass up with more beer so i could "focus". haha. it worked.

I apologize for my last entry, it was extremely unlike me. Some guessed it was about a boy. heh. go figure. -wink- I'm not saying anymore on that. But i guess a good night's sleep, along with a good ol' fashioned chat about it helped tremendously. For now, its over...i certainly hope so.

To "you", thanks for being such a sweetheart & understanding all I shared. Its incredible to me how big your heart really is & i couldn't possibly ask for any more. I apologize for the way things affected me, but i guess in time i'll learn to deal well with it.

23 August 2005

I don't know how come. I'm in the oddest mood. What's new right? Its a mix of feeling happy and sad at the same time, and the combination is just overwhelming. Takes the air outta me, and all I wanna do is sit and stare at "it" and read it over and over again. I don't know why i get like this every time, maybe I should have just settled with good enough. Can't a girl want more than she can get?

I won't reveal what "it" is, its just eating me from the inside. Even as I sit here the words fail to come from my mind to my hands. I wanna scream out loud and get it out of my system, but at the same time all I'm presented with is silence. I wish, I wish, I wish...don't we all.

My friends would say I should just kick myself in the butt and get over it. Believe me I've tried, now i've proven how miserably i've failed. Dammit, I sound like i'm getting all depressive again just like my entries in my last blog. I swore that when I started this new one I'd stop all that. Guess some things never do change, no matter how hard you try. Maybe its the way my blog name links to it that sorta connects it for an indefinite period of time. I apologize, I've been talking to myself.

Have you ever thought about something so much it makes you numb, tears and laughter are the furthest things away from you even though its there right at the very tip? I wanna laugh cuz its so cynically ironic and stupid, I wanna cry cuz the very thought of it pains me.

"Things always happen for a reason."

Fuck that. Pfft. Who gives a shit about reason anymore.

22 August 2005

I haven't gotten another comment from the anonymous idiot, so i'm guessing i'm not going to get one. People who read part 1 laughed at the entry, others told me to be nice. But i was nice! I tried real hard to be intellectual (as limited as my mind would let me), and at least i didn't call that person a bitch right? Who cares? Its comments like that that give me something to laugh and write about. How fun!

But I'll take the (Van's) advice and be nice. Unless I hear from that so called blogger again, this will be the end of the "Anonymous Idiot". Hope you guys had as good a laugh as I did.

Brain cells have almost completely depleted today, this entry will be kept short, simple and boring. (like the black crumpler bag. heh) Sorry, inside joke. Next week is break week! Woo hoo! My darlings from Singapore are coming over to visit me and celebrate my 21st, along with my loud Scandi darlings. Its gonna be WILD and so much fun. Val, quick wrap yourself up in decorative paper and send yourself over as my birthday present!

I'm a little hyperish from a double shot flat white i had earlier on, so don't mind me please. My fingers are typing faster than my mind thinks. I is a little wonky now. Gotta go type out my newspaper article that's due on wednesday now. Toodaloos!

21 August 2005

I normally like to leave my posts to settle for a day or two before I write another one, hopefully getting comments from those who pop in. But today I simply have to add another one or I'd burst from anxiety to get it out in the open & let all you wonderful people in on it.

Ever since I started blogging 2-3 years ago, I've received all sorts of comments & reviews of the things I've written. Of course not all are good, but this by far, has got to be the funniest of the lot.

At 12.04am, a user by the name of "Australia" posted this:

"dont try to be aussie. U AINT IT"

First of all, "Australia", you might want to learn how to use some punctuations in your sentences, otheriwse gee, everyone might just have a hard time comprehending your blatant sarcasm. Secondly, don't be a pussy and create some fake blog under the name of "z" just so you could remain anonymously you (read title). Which lameass does that. Oh wait, that's you. Oops, my bad. You obviously don't have what it takes to make a comment directly to a person and take responsibility for it. Yes, I dare you to.

So what if I want to be Australian, what's it to you? How do you know i'm not? Oh did you do some background check on my nationality before you found my blog, read my entries and left a comment? My, I'm touched at how much you would go through just to tell me not to "try to be aussie". If going to footy games (and supporting a team), and chilling with my ladies at hot spots makes me an Aussie, then hey, we've got shitloads of Aussies around who "AINT IT".

"Australia" must have created his/her blog simply to comment on mine that i "AINT" aussie, cuz the blog was just created in the month of August. Its my assumption & I could be wrong & sound really thick skinned that someone could "like" me enough to do that. That would be cool though. At least my counter's getting some hits! Heh. Thanks "Australia".

Let's make it official though. I invite those who read my blog to come in and leave comments, positive or negative. I'd like to read what you'd have to say to me. But please, please! Don't be a pussy like "Australia" and choose to remain anonymous. I'm not going to hunt you down if I know your identity, nor be a bitch about it & leave nasty comments. I just wanna know who you are. Simple as that. I'll be nice, I don't bite.

I end off with this a comment to "Australia" - leave your name and identity the next time you comment. I dare you to.

20 August 2005

Fremantle Dockers vs Saint Kildas. Dockers won!
My first live footy match - it rocked my socks!! The atmosphere was awesome and magnificent, just being there gave me a great adrenalin rush. 38,000 people attented the match, all chanting and rooting for their team. Freo being the home team obviously had more supporters. The match was exciting at the start and especially the end, last min 5 point win over Kildas. Fantastic! Dockers did fabulously well.

My girls and I went hunting for good spots down at Subiaco after the game. The queues started so early it was a pain in the ass to stand and wait. They're really strict with ID checks too. Found a few good places, I was good this time & didn't drink. Drove the girls home safe and sound. Although we did get lost for half an hour, we had a pretty good time overall. Next time though, no more driving! I also wanna drink & go loony.

18 August 2005

I was bad yesterday & drank way over the limit despite knowing I had to drive home. My logic was that home was merely down the street, a short 3 minute drive away. That to me meant I could rest for a couple of hours to sober up & make my way home. My darlings were so sweet to over me their beds while they slept on the dingy couch. My parents would not have let up about it if I did, so I had to do the responsible (not quite) thing and head home. My eyes were bloodshot & dad woke up to find me. I had to avert my eyes so he wouldn't see how wasted I was. Close call.

The influence of alcohol is quite strange, to the point it can bring out sides of people that you'd only see after they've had tonnes of alcohol in the body system. They become totally different people that seems almost quite freaky if you think about it. A quite and reserved person becomes the centre of attraction, guys have more guts to flirt and pick girls up, non-smokers become smokers, the list just goes on.

It almost amazes me because I always know what I'm doing no matter how tipsy I am. I admit if you so much as push me with the tip of your finger I'd be totally unstable, but I'm still very much conscious of my surroundings and actions. I seriously wonder what it would be like to lose myself after a large consumption of alcohol (without the horrible feeling). To transform into someone else, let my alter ego loose perhaps?

The worrying thing though, is for girls who stumble all over the place, fall on glasses and break them, and unknowingly head home with some guy and wake up not remembering what took place the night before. Worse still is if you add drugs to it.

Unshakable thoughts that persist in my mind, on the people under the influence of alcohol. Is it really worth it?

15 August 2005

Men. Pfft. Enough said.

Just playing. But yes, men schmen. -softly grumbles some profanities- Why can't the "oh-so-smart gender" ever admit their mistakes when it is so blatantly obvious they're wrong? Be it an opinion, an action, or a piece of advice, they simply will not admit to being wrong even if you shove it up their ass, cuz their egos are just too much in the way.

Take for example my dad. I was trying to open a can which I had much trouble doing so because the can-opener was faulty. Dad came by so i told him we needed a new one and what does he do? He points out to me that i've been using it incorrectly (on-top instead of against the side of the can). I'm not sure if you all know this, but there are different kinds of openers that open slice your can in different ways. I tell him the way its supposed to be used but him being the "king of the house" insists on doing it his way and goes on by "helping" me open it.

With his help, my can ended up being (MCQ here):

(a) sort of unopened as it was at my attempt
(b) openings all round the top of the can but none feasible to get the food out
(c) in such a bad state we almost had to chuck it
(d) all of the above

Duh. Of course its D. I'd never seen a can in a worse state. Can't even be compared to one if i dropped it on the ground. Geez. Even with his mistake being so apparent, he continued to insist that the can-opener was to be used the way he did & all he did wrong was hold it at the wrong angle. Bull crap. He practically sliced 1/6 of the top of the can.

It of course, is not the first time something like that has happened. His mistakes can be as obvious as a cow jumping over the moon & it won't make a difference. Why! Why can't guys just admit they're lost, they need help with directions, they've got it wrong, ever?!

Men. Schmen. Geez.

An e-bay whore that is. I swear I'm hooked on that bloody auction thingy-majiggy, and once I start, I just can't stop! (kinda like pringles ey?) Even if i can't think of anything I could possibly want to buy, somehow i'd miraculously find something and end up bidding for it. If i'm lucky enough & wake up in time to realize i shouldn't be buying it, i'd be outbid. So far so good, thank god.

Will somebody please help me get off this addiction? But don't take away my card or i'll bite. -flashes an angelic smile-

However, to argue my point, you really can get stuff for much cheaper prices on e-bay if you're just patient enough to hunt for it. I've got some really good buys so far. It gets a lil tiring keeping watch on your bid though. There're people just lurking in the shadows, waiting to snap your item up at the very last minute, and there's just nothing you can do about it. Bitch.

ok, i'm going back to whoring & keeping an eye on my bid. -flashes another angelic smile-

12 August 2005

You bloggers have been of no help in giving me suggestions for birthday presents. Tsk. (ok i'm kidding) But i've decided to ask my mom for a electric guitar & amp which she will hopefully get for me. Since my sis got a guitar for her 21st, I don't see why i can't get a guitar since its soooo much cheaper than a piano. Dad's against it though. Dang!

It occured to me that us humans are never easily satisfied. After being given something, materialistic or not, we tend to seek/ask for more. Be it in friendships or relationships, it is a constant characteristic in every single one of us. Why is that? Is it that impossible to be truly satisfied with what has already been given and not ask for more? Given that perhaps most times we don't verbally ask for it, but it is there and we all know it exists - the want/need for more.

For example, we see a trait in someone close that makes us unhappy and/or uncomfortable, decide after much deliberation that for the best of everyone, we ought to tell that person to "change". He/she sees your point of view, does his/her best to change & everyone is glad with it. Somehow that change may not be good enough or some other distasteful characteristic becomes prominent, and it becomes a vicious cycle. Just because the person agreed once, we'd expect the person to agree once more, or multiple times after that.

Am i making sense? It applies to materlistic things too. Shall not define it, you figure it out.

It just makes me wonder, why we all can't just be happy with the simple things in life, rather than demand it to be given on a silver platter.

*guilty as charged*

09 August 2005

My posts have become stagnant and boring. Haven't had the motivation to really sit in front of the computer & start typing some serious thoughts down. So after a good cup of coffee, here I am, trying to squeeze out whatever's in that lil head of mind. Perhaps some brain juice will leak out.

Tuesdays are "weird tutors" day for me. Had a tute today with this Chinese guy who's probably about 27 or 28, which seemed a bit young to me to be tutoring at a Uni, but seems he's quite well-established. The funny thing is, he has a Brit accent, speaking like a pom with the Queen's English, but he's never been to the UK. He's from Malaysia, lived in Singapore and back and now here. So where's the thick accent coming from? Sometimes he even sounds Irish. The lad is queer! (in all senses of the word)

And that just gives y'all a hint of my life here, queer but exciting (?).

My sister has been bugging me on what i want for my b'day. Seems the culture here in buying someone a present is to ask/tell them what you want. I don't know! I've never told someone what I've wanted before, and i can't think of a single thing I could possibly want. With the exception of a Mini Cooper of course. But they sure as hell aren't buying me that.

So my question to all of you is, if given a choice, what would you want for a 21st b'day present, or any b'day for that matter? Taking in mind though, that my sister just had a kid so it wouldn't be nice to ask for something too extravagant. A lil help people?

07 August 2005

First week down, plenty more to go. Its been a fun-filled (sorta) week, better than the previous weeks I've been here of course.

Went to some guy's 21st "pre-party" at the hostel clubhouse, everyone's bopping to lame-ass music and getting jiggy with one another. (yes, guys on guys too) I had to be a good girl & limit my drinks cuz i was driving & the cops are a bitch on booze busts. Worse still when i look pissed drunk & my face is bright red after just one glass of wine, but i'm sober as can be. Dilated eyes and all that shit. Hate that.

So far I've met only one Singaporean girl & just so happens she was from the same secondary school as me. How small is this world man.

Anyhows I'm off to hang out with my scandinavian friends now.. First day all week the sun's been out so nice and bright. Cheerios!

02 August 2005

School's started, we're moving into day 3 tomorrow. Not quite sure to expect at each class - the lecturers, the students, the atmosphere, just about everything adds up. I would say so far so good, everything's been pretty pleasant. But then again, isn't the first week always? Lectures are all only intros, assignments don't start pouring in till the 2nd or 3rd week, by which you would have figured who in the class you simply cannot stand.

Its pretty daunting taking on units I have no clue about...coming from a business background and all, but we all gotta start somewhere eh? The units I'm taking seem pretty interesting though, we even get to watch a film every week at a particular unit. How cool is that.

I shall not comment much about the people, I hardly know them. There are some who are really quite friendly, and those who always have comments/opinions in class. Most of the talk is about stuff in Australia that I probably don't know about, just gotta sit there and look knowledgable. heh. At least no one's asking me if Singapore's part of China. Its quite odd though that people are shocked at my capabilities of speaking English smoothly, like I'm supposed to sound all chinky or something. Its quite humourous really.

So I wanted to be a loner in school & not have to go through all the wish-wash making friends nonsense, but I decided its too damn hard. Can't possibly sit in class not knowing a damn person, or keeping to myself all the time. Can't resist at least giving the person next to me a smile of acknowledgement.

I've got tonnes of reading to do now.. 3 cheers to that.