In the mix - MY TOP PICKS:

14 June 2009

You're so ugly, I'd rather stare at white noise for hours. And to top it off, the sound of white noise is hell better than the sound of your damned voice. Woe be the world who come into contact with you, and the poor pussy whipped lad of yours. Lord have mercy. Your face looks like it tripped and smashed itself into the sidewalk. Just that it didn't. I'm sorry I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I think I here the mental hospital calling your name, Miss Schizo. 

And to you Mr Sleazeball, go find yourself a slut who would care less to take care of your problem down below. Your dirty comments are not welcomed and the "purrs" you make are just nasty. POO on you, I hope your kids never see this side of you because you're nothing but a sleazebag. Your leather jacket is as bad and outdated as your taste in music, and you smell like old man's cologne. There is no point trying to cover up a bad smell with another. 

02 June 2009

I finally got some time to play around with my camera and it was a nice day for some trial photo taking. Being bored at work, I manage to get through quite a few blogs and youtube videos, and came across some that taught fake macro photography.

So good on me cuz then I don't have to go out and spend thousands buying a fantastic macro lens that would burn some major holage in my pockets. The unfortunate thing was that I don't have a tripod, and rocking back and forth while you're trying to focus on a flower that's 1cm tall doesn't really help.

Of course some photos turned out really blurry, and I didn't quite manage to capture what I wanted. Overall, I'd give myself a pat on the back considering it's my first pseudo macro experience, without a tripod. Lol. And I somehow managed to get a sort of fisheye effect without a fisheye lens. Emphasis on SORT OF.

My sister reckons I should just go buy proper lenses but where's the fun in that??