In the mix - MY TOP PICKS:

26 December 2006

First and foremost, Merry Christmas everyone! I do hope everyone has been celebrating well and having a good time with friends and family on this special occasion. Christmas has always been one of my favourite times of the year. No, not because of the presents, but its the time for celebration and joy with the ones you love. For me, its the time of year for reflection on my life and how lucky I am to have come this far in life. God has blessed my family and I and for that I am truly grateful.

Been pretty hectic the past couple of weeks trying to get Paragon Mag stuff done. It definintely ain't easy, but it sure is worth it. The weather has been crazy but managed to still enjoy it. Here's a quick photo update of what I've been up to. I love taking photos, simply wish I had the time to edit.

We went to King's Park to chill and be nerds. We were all reading a book and enjoying the breeze. Unfortunately the ducks wouldn't stop disturbing us cuz we decided to feed ONE some chips. In the end, about 7 of them surrounded us and I was paranoid one was gonna peck at my leg.

We had a visitor from Norway so we decided to bring her to Rotto (Rottnest Island) considering none of us had ever been there. The day started out soooo shitty with the greyest of clouds, but turned out to be miraculously beautiful. God heard my prayers.

And on the eve of Christmas Eve, Monica and I decided to make a Gingerbread house. The first ever Gingerbread house for me! I was so excited I tell you. Ikea is the best, provide you with funny foreign things. Ok la, I know it looks easy to make, but i tell you, the sugar takes like FOREVER to melt.

The process of making hilarious. Cuz the sugar hardens the moment u stretch it with the spoon. But oh-so-yummy!

And....*drumroll* the Final (sorta) Product!

Okay so my font isn't exactly attractive or Chrismassy, but hey I tried. Bought frosting instead of yeah. Poo. Still, looks like snow?!?! Hahahaha...okay la. I'm proud of my Gingerbread house so don't say anything mean. That's all for now. Chrissy photos another time. Now........SLEEP!!!!

10 December 2006

One by one, they've all gone home. Once there was 8, now there's only 3. Soon only one will be left. Poor Jan, all alone during the scorching hot days of summer. Speaking of which, I'm gonna try heading to the beach as much as possible before heading back home to the humidity which will eventually kill me. I miss my friends.....

Been enjoying the Uni brea so far. Turns out I only have one year left instead of the one and a half I thought I still had to complete. AND, only 3 units per semester for that year. Quite exciting. Although I'm not quite sure I'm ready to graduate as yet. Who knows, maybe I'll take up another degree and learn more, or do masters in Film and Television. Exciting Stuff.

On other news, went to watch G3 on Friday night and it was awe-fucking-some! For those of you who don't know who G3 consists of, there's Steve Vai, John Petrucci and Joe Satriani, the greatest guitar legends there ever is! If you ever, EVER get the chance, pay the money to watch them Live. Its worth every single penny. Work your ass off if you have to. We paid $110 for four hours of solid guitar playing and god damn was it worth it. I've got videos if anyone's interested.

Fucking blogspot won't let me upload photos. UGH!

19 November 2006

Been partae-ing way too much. And bumming too much. Actually, more like spending as much time with everyone as I can before they all leave to different parts of the globe. Damn you. 2 Americans already left for their east coast tour. It really sucks. We met Arylene, Brendan and Cols at Eurobar yesterday, all ready to get Dave wasted before he left us all in the lurch. We didn't have to do much. He pretty much downed 5 beers in the 1st 15 minutes we got there. It was hilarious. Plus before that he'd brought along a little goon bag as a friend to keep him company. He's hungover in Cairns now. Haha.

Just a few photos from last night. We were all out to get crazy. With Arylene, there's always insanity around.....and boob grabbing.

Unfortunately, Collette had to leave early so we couldn't get very many peektures.

Oh by the way, any of you like Stitch? The character from the series Lilo and Stitch (duh)? Here's a photo of him like you've never seen before.

23 October 2006

On Friday, we celebrated Jan & Dag's birthday in advance. All that planning definitely did not go to waste and everything went almost exactly as planned! The place we booked was a little smaller than expected, but the crowd that turned up was also a lot smaller than expected. Got the balloons ready and had to change into our viking and wenche costumes in a hurry.

We started at about 4.30 at Jan's flat to get them drinking - 3/4 of Jim Beam, a full bottle of Vodka, 6 Jim Beam mixers and 6 Tooheys Extra Dry. Everything was gone except the vodka. Olivere had to pick them up at 6.30 and according to him, they were so drunk. He asked me "What did you do to them??? They were giggling in the car and I was afraid they were gonna puke in my car!"

Oh, and they were blindfolded. Haha. So fun.

Peektures! (oh and I got drunk as a donkey. heh. proud of me zhen?)

Jan getting drunk slowly and me high on Jim Beam

Thomas our balloon man. 29 balloons won't help you fly. I tried.

One viking, 3 wenches. Notice I'm blonde.

This is how happy and surprised they were once blindfolds were off.

The night started off really happy, and ended really happy too. We never stopped drinking and it was AWESOME! I'm glad I wasn't drunk off my boots, but enough to have to think hard about stuff I did. I'm glad those who came did, and those who said they would and couldn't even inform me they weren't......what am I to say? You missed out.

hot :)

Meet Henry the Croc.

Zee Boys All Vikings

Not wenches but still strong.

Ok that's all for now folks.... I'm bored of clicking and waiting for the photos to download. And my instant noodles are waiting for me. haha.

17 October 2006

It astounds me when I look at think about the life you lead now, and how intoxicated with happiness you are. I am perplexed when I think about how glorious life is for you after the pain you managed to cause. I'm piqued you could so easily forget the pain you inflicted on another's life for your selfish gains, yet only one person is left hurt. Almost everyday I'm struggling to rid my mind of the nightmares you caused me to go through, only for you to have turned around and point the fault finger at me.

After more than 2 years, I'm still affected, I'm still hurt. In my mind I'm this little girl coiled up in a corner of a room too afraid of anything, but yet life goes on. I could easily say you destroyed my life, and to a certain extent you did, but I'm better than that, and I'm better than you. What you put me through on a daily basis could only make me stronger. I just wish you knew that the actions you thought were innocently done simply because of love, could and has done permanent damage. They weren't innocent and you weren't stupid. I wish you were, then it would be so much easier to move on from the pain.

I hear of stories of you and your life, not because I want to, but because I don't really have a choice. I see pictures of you, and I try to wish you all the best. But it's not fair. You don't deserve it, and you don't deserve my blessings or forgiveness. You dragged me to hell and left me to crawl out on my own. I wish the people around you knew.

You manage to keep up the facade of an angel to those around you. But deep inside stems a boy who's full anger and hatred because he is scared. Scared of nothing but fights nothing anyway. Your family thinks the world of you, and they look at me like I hurt the best person there is. They used to smile but now they smirk. You keep it that way, you like the facade you live in. I wish they knew.

You don't deserve to not know what you did, to be able to brush it aside like it never happened at all. You don't deserve a happy life where ignorance is bliss. You're a liar and a cheat. I wish I could tell you that straight in your face but i won't. I'm bigger and better than you.

No apology, no remorse, no nothing. You gave me none of those but I wished you the best in life.

I just wish you knew.

15 October 2006

Yesterday we went to Little Creatures to celebrate Justin's birthday. My whole plan of going was simply to get him smashed. Of course it worked - too well. However while Jeremy & I were waiting for Jachin to get his shoes, we were parked in front of a large garbage bin when we noticed this.

The Bin :


Yeah okay, I'm going to be dumb enough to want to enter a garbage bin full of, let's see, GARBAGE? That was our laugh of the day. So remember kids, Do Not Enter a garbage bin. The smell could be more hazardous than you think.

So we got to Creatures, & immediately the bo9ys bought Justin 2 beers. He was happy - at first. But we made him drink the 1st one in less than 5 minutes. Then we wanted to snap some photos, & the boys wanted to pretend to lick his face. Justin freaked out as you can see.

It was stupidly funny. Justin got more and more drunk, and became a real crude ass. He was full of "sweet" words. We were being asses and we forcing him to drink. All we got was "I hate you all, fuck you, you're all bastards". Hahaha. I'm never gonna let him live this down. BUt then he drank too much and decided he had to puke. He left a trail of puke on the way to the toilet, but he came back a happy man (with an extra 4 beers).

Most of the night was just spent laughing at the Birthday boy. It was fun. I'm sure he don't feel too good today. And i'm gonna get loads of shit but i don't care. heh.

The Most of Us

After we bought him about 7 beers and the place was about to close, Justin was completely wasted. As we made our way to the exit, about 10 metres away, Justin very calmly walked and puked next to a table of people then walked away as if that was normal. We walked outside, he reached the road and he puked somemore while walking. It was soooo gross! Then he decided to puke in a bush while a group of people cheered him on. Not cool. He then came after me to hug me cuz i was snapping photos of him.

So that was how the night ended.

13 October 2006

I dyed my hair dark brown with pink highlights!!! Woot! The guy actually wanted me to go black, but that completely freaked me out. Never had black hair in my life, good god, from brown to black is scary. ok not link pink is much better, but I love it! Always wanted to have pink hair and now i do. Yippee. Here's a photo, please ignore my pimple and retainers. Uggs.

The weather here has been picking up, going to the beach loads and loads and loads. Whoop-dee-doo. Getting darker and darker. And more and more naggings from my sis. Haiya. I'm just glad i'm no longer a white shade of pale which screams "Winter Skin!!!". Been having bbqs as well. Lovely lovely lovely.

Was gonna post more photos, but blogger screwed up on me. Oh well.


10 October 2006

First touch rugby match today, first time playing in a mixed team. It was pretty damn exciting shit. We did pretty well considering we'd never played in this team before, against a team playing together for 2 years. 6-3. I reckon that's hell good. I shall not reveal the team's name. Sounds a little ridiculous to me. Heh.

Last night Alex, dear ol' Alex, cooked us PEPPER CRABS! Holy shit that was good stuff man. 5 of us, 12 flower crabs and 18 man tous. Nothing beats that I tell you. I went straight to fatty hell but it was all well worth it. Thanks dude, those were the best crabs I've had in a long time. Some pictures for today.. lazy to type.

And i got a sudden case of hiccups. *hic*

Before Dinner Started

The Damage We Did. Yum.

29 September 2006

Its been so nice having sun all week, spending almost all my time in the beach hoping to be rid of my ghastly shade of pale. It worked all right today, got my ass burnt even though i desperately jumped into the freezing cold sea water in an attempt to cool down. It was wayyyy packed, especially with high school kids strutting their stuff. Pfft. There were some whales and blubbler galore too though. Heh. Shall try to be nice.

Boy from Oz coming up on Monday. Can't wait. It's the Queen Birthday then and its a PUBLIC HOLIDAY. SOme please explain to me, public holiday means everyone gets a holiday right? WRONG! Why do us poor uni students still have to go for our classes. Its just not fair! Hmph. 5 more weeks of Uni and i'm done. Whoopee.

Been going climbing again, its been uber fun. And soon i'm gonna be playing touch rugby weekly...not too sure if its too bright an idea. But hey, should be fun. And i'm supposing its a mixed team, if i can't play, hopelfully I have eye candy. ha-ha-ha.

Just booked tickets to see G3 - Joe Satriani, John Petrucci and Steve Vai. Ooh la la! Serious guitar fanatics will know who I'm talking about. Its gonna be HELL EXCITING! These guys are practically legends, to think I'm gonna be in the same arena as them hearing them jam their stuff. Its gonna be steaminggggg!

On a more serious note, I'm going broke from concerts.

11 September 2006

I typed out a nice long entry filled with captivating photos of my friends and I in all our drunkardness on my birthday, however my computer decided to take me on a trip of complete insanity by crashing on me just as I clicked on the "publish post" button. Thus, all was lost and my post was DESTROYED and lost in the virtual world of lost doucuments due to computer crashes.

So because I have been pestered incesantly to post my photos, I'm gonna just plop them all in one virtual space without headings for you to see. I cannot be bothered to type out the long story of my extremely good and bad trip down south as the whining period as long come to a halt.

In summary, my car's ignition decided not to turn the day after we arrived, leading to a build-up of stressful events and phonecalls. My friends, in celebration of my birthday and in hope of cheering me up did more than I can imagine - I had balloons and little blowy thingy-ma-jiggies on the night of my birthday, breakfast delightfully welcoming me on the morning of my birthday, and a cake specially delievered by a friend living nearby. Did i mention it coincidentally was my favourite cake? (The extra cream was then used as weapons of mass mess between Ze German and Jan)

Our trip started with boozing...

A bit of posing....

A little bit of fighting...

And a whole lot of PRESENTS for ME!

More photos in the next be continued...

31 August 2006

had pre-Birthday celebrations today, and no, I did not get drunk. We had a typical Singaporean-style steamboat at my place, called a few close friends over. Was really nice and pleasant, but the finished just about everything (except the vegetables). They wanted to get my drunk but really, they didn't try hard enough. A big thanks to those who came and brought me gifts and wine. Appreciate it many guys! Big love weather is getting a little too warm to have a steamboat though. No doubt it was definitely a good evening. Those boys can sure eat! They all around.

My two Norwegian lovelies, Dag and Jan. Don't worry about Jan, he's not really a retard like he may seem, his eyes just don't open when he takes photographs. You'll see in more photos to come. First time they had steamboat and I think they had quite a bit of fun. Different for sure.

See what I mean. But I still love him to bits. The best Norwegian friend together with Dag.

The Singaporean boys who can eat a whole lot! Good job guys, its really been a pleasure knowing you guys. Jeremy (leftest) told me a story about a Golden Retriever who ate a 36DD bra whole and couldn't shit for days. Hell that's the funniest story I've heard.

Here are my lovelies, Arylene and Collette, otherwise known as my editor and sub-editor. Big bosses! No not really...haha its getting too late in the night for this.

Last one: group shot. One person is missing and its just not the same, but I'll make do when I go down south. Whoopee! Simply wonderful!

26 August 2006

Uni started, I couldn't be bothered to post as much. Actually no, I was waiting for pictures to be sent to me so I could be lazy and post them instead of typing a long-ass entry. This semester is a fucking killer but I guess I sorta love it. We've only just past the 4th week and now we're in our first semester break. Hoorah! Going down south at the end of the week to celebrate my birthday. God damn I'm getting old.

Went to the Caversham Wildlife Park (again) to show the boys animals they find so absolutely intriguing. It is cool though, getting up close with animals and feeding them and stuff. Dave and Jachin were flexing their muscles against the size of the kangaroo. What is the relation? Don't ask me, I have no clue. I just took the photo as ordered.

Now this camel was just standing there as the boys went for the camel ride. He stood there for the longest time just calling out for me to snap his behind. And so i did. I reckon it makes a really cool photograph. You can't quite make out what animal it is.

Last but not least, this is Justin trying to hypnotize (mesmerize?) the lovely camel by staring it straight in the eyes. Haha. He was kinda scared though cuz i asked him to go closer and he wouldn't. So there you go, Justin's new love. Heh. Sorry Justin!

31 July 2006

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

I cry as I write this entry, not only because of the extreme graphics I came upon in my search for information. I cry for the lives that have been lost in the process of this war, and especially for the children who were terrbily injured and died tragically. I shall spare you the images I have seen, but I ask you to please remember them in your prayers.

Everyone is born with true innocence and the greatest capacity to love with complete sincerity, only to be slowly damaged and destroyed as we get influenced by society and political values. As children we know nothing of anything, we don't question a person's agenda or who he or she is. A child has the capacity to provide a simple gesture of a hug and a person's world could shine brightly because of the innocence within them. Unfortunately, that child in us disappears as time goes by. Where does it go?

War - it is a fight created by political members of two or more countries, a fight for what they think is rightfully theirs, a fight for reputation, an unnecessary fight where normal people like you and me are killed for a fight we didn't choose. If we were taught from young it is wrong to kill, how are killings in wars justified at all? No matter in what situation, aren't all forms of killings considered to be murder?

So some people say they fight for their country and they'll die if they have to. Have to. Choosing sides when it comes to politics is not a must, sometimes it is a matter of survival. To fight for freedom, to fight for your life unless poverty and suffering is a more pleasant choice. Soldiers were sent to Iraq to fight Bush's war. Without questioning a war was declared based solely on what the government says. Boys and men die for their country, what happens to their parents who brought them into this world?

Because of someone else's war, families suffer heartbreak and agony of losing their loved one. Who ever wants to die? Who ever wants to leave this world and their family behind, never to been seen, touched or heard ever again? No one. But because of politics a side has to be chosen, even innocent civillians are hurt and killed in the process.

Death saddens me. When I see people cry because of true loss, I cry with them. There is no other way.

Why doesn't Bush go out and fight in the war he started? Because he is the President of America and retains a higher position compared to soldiers who join the miltary. The war started a relatively long time ago, I no longer have complaints about that. It merely angers me to know of the pain and anguish of those who have suffered great losses. Was it worth it?

Here is a letter, "Dear America" written by an American Marine, Lt. Kevin Brown. It gives insight to a soldier's thoughts of the war. It is indeed a very different perspective.

28 July 2006

Splattered blood on the wall in a collage of images,
Gruesome splatters paint a pretty picture.
Take a camera and snap a polaroid,
Memories will forever stain your heart.
The countdown to uni begins as the weekend draws nearer. I'm actually quite looking forward to the start of this sem, more new things to come. I've already settled my weekly climbing days and new buddies who are really keen to join. Climb for the first time today in a long time, did okay. I'm slowly getting better with the techniques. Only thing is the pain in my toes and fingers. Bought climbing shoes so I wouldn't have to rent the smelly ones. Breaking into them is gonna be a bitch, why do rock climbing shoes have to cramp your toes so bad??? Now i know how the china women felt when they had to bind their feet. Grrr.

27 July 2006

WOW. Waterford last night was pretty damn awesome. Haven't been there in such a long time I was almost nostalgic. The crowd really starting piling in come about 10 or so. It was great to see some familiar faces I hadn't seen in a while. Shane came back just for waterford (i think) and Ben came back too! Those people disappeared for wayyy too long. But its all good now. We're all trying to enjoy what's left of the Uni break. Another 3 and a half days to go as I write this.

There was a crazy after-party at flat 44. There was a shit load of people there, a lot of randoms too. Some asshole had to throw chairs around, and another (maybe the same) kicked the sprinklers and it shot up like a fountain. The poor tenant of the flat tried her best to get us all to leave by telling us security was coming. What a load of hogwash. She told us that for a good hour. I guess she was trying to salvage what was left of the outside of her flat. Haha. Quite happy i don't live on campus.

It's been pretty cool so far, meeting the new people. They're mostly pretty friendly. I'm also re-meeting people who seem to have a tendency of forgetting my name, therefore making me feel like quite the fool when i happily walk up to them and greet them. Hey, you can't accuse me of not being friendly aye?

The rain is dreadful, i'm walking around in a huge jacket that's both warm and water resistant. What to do. Gonna make sure my hair and clothes stay dry.

Ok folks, that's all i got for today.

25 July 2006

Lisa, that is probably the weirdest event I've heard of. Haha. But it's all good, maybe one day there really will be such a festival and we'll all be the hippest people there. Anyhows, greetings to you! Hope life's going good for you. Its just getting colder in Perth and I'm not enjoying being wrapped up all the time.

A few more days till uni starts. I have to classes that start at EIGHT! How horrid is that, i'm gonna have so much trouble getting my body clock right. I'm not complaining though, I only have a monday to wednesday uni week. And that's awesome by me. At least I won't need to wake up early the next day after a waterford night.

Samsui sister! Sorry been doing stuff every night, haven't been coming online much. heh. Enjoying my break while I still can, forgive me, I'll be coming back online again soon - more often that is. Don't need to call me a bitch ok! Haha.

And to all others who i've been bad at keeping contact with, I sincerely apologize too. I get quite crappy at things like that. Those in Europe and America, I'm planning my trip for next year! So yeah, hopefully you guys will be free enough when i finally do come down. I'm really looking forward to seeing you again and catching up. Good ol' times.

18 July 2006

Ok ok, kena scolding already. I don't only have ONE melbourne buddy...what i meant was that Zhen came down to perth and we had a fantastic time together, therefore I referred to her as my melbourne buddy. Obviously melbourne is holding two of my buddies captive and I have to fly down there to save them. haha. You know what I mean. Jac, I'm waiting for you to come to Perth. Don't make it 2 years from now ok?

Its insane, almost 2 months of Uni break has already passed and Uni is about to start soon. So unfair! I wanna be on a break for like, forever! Okay maybe not, it gets a bit too boring trying to fill days with plans. The only thing to do is shop, eat and exercise. Pfft. I only like to shop when I have the bling blings.

Boy from Oz is gonna be in Perth in October, sister bought tickets. I'm so excited! I get to see Hugh Jackman on stage...LIVE! The star of Kate and Leopold and X-Men. I remember falling in love with Leopold in the movie, what a gentleman. However, watching this celebrity act does come at a price of $200 per ticket. Crazily insane i know, but i'm sure it'll be worth every penny. Mr Jackman won't let me down. At least its something to look forward in mid-sem, and then its Pearl Jam. I'm still upset I can't see Robbie Williams. Oh well. I'm broke from plays and concerts now. Dang.

So tell me, how am I supposed to afford to travel to visit my lovelies?

16 July 2006

I've been boring I know, but i haven't been coming online recently. No, its not that my schedule has been jam packed with stuff to do. Been merely doing the boring stuff like staying home watching dvds and pigging out. How exciting. Had a pleasant visitor from Melbourne who went home too quickly. Come back! I want to go travelling, I just don't have the cash. So many people to visit all scattered over the world. But first stop, definitely Melbourne! Already made a promise. haha.

Results came out a couple of days ago, did much better than my first semester thank god! I was going into hyperventilation everytime someone mentioned results coming out. The long awaited moment is over so i'm kinda looking forward to the next sem. Might be an even more interesting one. I hope.

My niece just turned 1 yesterday, she's just a darling. I'll post pictures up once my sister sends them to me. There were so many babies at the party! The playpen was turned into mini daycare. little ones crawling everywhere. They're quite tiring to chase after even though they're down on fours. They're quite zippy little things. And now that Chantrea can walk, she's off in a matter of seconds. Pretty birthday girl got many many presents. She'll have lots of toys to play with, nothing new.

Well that's that for now. Missing my lovelies back home and in Europe. Come visit me! You're always welcome at my house. :)

20 June 2006

World cup fever has started once again, I swore I wouldn't get into it but I've already watched a few matches. (Against my own will, I swear!) I guess the important match was the one with Brazil vs Australia. I was rooting for the Socceroos yet hoping Brazil would win. Its hard to match up to their technical skills really. But pfft, enough of soccer. I'm sick of it as it is.

And then again comes the time where friends start to leave, not known when to be seen again. All these exchange students, flying off to the other side of the world. Depressing days ahead. Not looking forward to sending them to the airport. It still very much is my enemy, the airport that is. I'm glad to say at least I have a few more 'permanent' friends now.

Had a 'conversation' with a friend about homosexual and gosh did it almost get heated. Homo-phobes irritate me. But of course, to each its own. I simply feel in this day and age people should be more open in their way of thinking. I was dumbfounded when this friend said that if his son (if he ever had one) were gay, he wouldn't give his approval/acknowledgement even if his supposed son's entire life's happiness depended on it.

Is homosexuality really such a wrong thing as people claim it to be, simply because it is against the law of nature, or science as some would call it? Ok, so it's a natural act for a man and woman to fornicate because reproduction is then made possible, but its not all about the sex, is it?! I don't see understand the bases of the arguments of homophobics, I think its simply the fact they fail to understand the whole concept of homosexuality, if they even tried to in the first place.

Perhaps its the stereotypes that society and media and portrayed the "gay world" to be, and I suppose a bit of cultural norms play a part. But why do people have to be so conservative in their way of thinking? It puzzles me......but then as i said, to each its own.

Its a neverending argument.

08 June 2006

The oddity of the human behaviour continues to puzzle me without fail. Different characteristics, personalities, attitudes and of course, the quirks. I've met people from all walks of life, those I get along well with, those who make me clench my teeth and swallow nasty comments, and those who are simply in between. You know the kind I'm talking about, the ones who sometimes you have to smirk off because what they say or do is just so damn weird. They're bi-polar almost. Geddit?

It's like a man with who has a big ego and has to put up a macho, manly facade, seemingly cool and suave even though its completely unnecessary and pointless. Erm. That made sense as a thought in my head. Whatever.

What I don't get is why people have to act all different especially when they meet a person of the other sex. They become this other person that's unrecognisable to friends...girls get giggly, guys act cool. Do people feel like they always have to impress? As a society now that stereotypes everything, are we so afraid of being judged because of our own judgements of others? In my opinion, I believe its just a matter of us judging ourselves.

It irks me when a friend presents themselves to be not as who they are, but who they want me to see. They think so carefully before speaking and hold themselves back to the point of discomfort. The way I see it, you are who you are and no matter how hard you try to hide it, it will always come out in the end. We're not all stupid.

I sit around and I observe - its a habit, don't ask me where it came from. But you'd be surprised as to how much things you learn about human behaviour. When in a group, I'm always the quietest cuz i can't be bothered to raise my voice to speak above the rest. Its more pleasant to sit back and listen. Tells you a lot about an individual. Interesting really.

But what can I say, people are they way they are, as they have been for a long time. Certains things are just perplexing.

Sad Poem
Tomorrow Holds© By April Lane
Tomorrow Holds a dream that never can be reached,
One more day to this thus day. a ransomed destiny.
Tomorrow holds a light that shines internally,
A light that is determined by what's inside of me.
Tomorrow holds a shield protecting lasting love
But when released from on this EarthBecomes a parting dove
Tomorrow holds a key; a solution to pursue
A journey often treaded for the benefit of you.
Tomorrow holds a meaning; a meaning to fulfill
A thread of dedication lost behind a broken shield.
Tomorrow holds a silence that stands throughout the night
A passion fallen low to keep the embers burning bright.
But today holds Salvation, a Savior to believe
A broken heart was deeply pained, but now has set me free.

06 June 2006

Uni is over for me and its winter break for me. Unfortunately, all my friends are busy preparing for exams whilst I roam about freely with nothing to do. Its not my fault my units don't require examinations! But anyways, good luck for the exams guys, we'll party hard together on the night of your last paper!

Its amazing how quickly ime flies by, I'm already done with my first year of Uni. Another 2 more years to go and I'm done. Geez. What am I gonna do then? Which direction to I go? I'm leaning towards Film and TV, most likely into becoming a producer/production manager. I'd choose to be a camera operator, but carrying the equipment would most likely kill me. Decisions, decisions. I'll put it off for now.

Right now life's pretty smooth sailing, trying to have as little worries as possible. There are bigger things in life to focus on, and its a lot easier now I've settled in Perth for almost a year. Sadly, friends are still coming and leaving, literally. Sven and Claire will soon be leaving, I'm absolutely dreading those days. Another two more friends to add to the list of "I dunno when I'll see them again". Fucking sucks and I hate it. I don't wanna meet anymore international students cuz its too heartwrenching. It hurts.

28 May 2006

Just some photos from Jachin's birthday, we decided to have a little steamboat to make it easier. First time for all my friends and they loved it! It was a bit messy, but its a fantastic way to have a meal with friends. No need for much preparation, and you cook your food to your own taste. Yumm. It was a lovely night with a home made (Betty Crocker) birthday cake.

More people came than expected, opened a few bottles of champagne. Absolutely lovely. I reckon I need a bigger pot for steamboat though, and maybe a round table instead.

25 May 2006

Pearl Jam and Robbie Williams concerts!!!!!

Yes, the great musicians are coming into Perth and I'm not gonna miss watching them live! Pre-sale tickets to Pearl Jam went on sale this morning and I woke up early to get them. (Kiasu, I know) Tonnes of people are eagerly waiting to get tickets, afraid they might get sold out really quickly so I'm hoping my rush for tickets helped. My seats are pretty near the stage, or at least I hope they are. I can't wait till the day of the concert! $100 each, it better bloody be worth it. Now to get more Pearl Jam songs so I won't be a fool at the concert not being able to sing along. Heh.

It's Robbie Williams' last tour! I'm so excited the man's even coming. Always wanted to watch him live, there's a certain seductiveness and sexiness about him that's so alluring. It being his last tour makes me wanna watch him all the more. I know a lot of people are anticipating the arrival, it's gonna be helluva rush to get tickets. But the man is hot!

So been to 2 concerts this year as it is, another 2 more to look forward to. Thank go I'm gonna get a job, will be able to pay off all I've spent on concert tickets. Got a job offer to work at a kebab stall at the Subiaco markets, they pay cash so it should be good. Just hoping the smell of the meat doesn't put me off too much. Its a bit odd, a job making kebabs, but I guess its just for the money, and experience(??).

One more week of University, about 6 more assignments to hand in!!! UGH!! God save me.

16 May 2006

Many things in life ever only happen once in your lifetime, moments shared can never be created in quite the same way. People you meet may come and go as the seasons changed, many of whom can never be replaced. Some of us are fortunate enough to continuously share our life with friends and family who mean so much to us, fortunate enough to meet those we call through friends. I have been blessed with great fortune of meeting so many marvelous people I can call friends, those who accept me for me, and love me for me. Words cannot start to describe how much I appreciate them.

Here's a few of them.

Then some.

And then some more.

15 May 2006

Did you know....

~ That bungee jumping used to be illegal in Singapore?

~ That a public assembly of 5 or more people in a public place without a police permit is an

~ That the police in Singapore can intercept messages online?

~ That the sale of Malaysian newspapers are banned in Singapore, and vice versa?

~ That before caning the cane is soaked in water to maximize inflicted pain?

~ That a male may be caned if found guilty of sodomy

~ That a male may be caned if found guilty of extortion

~ That 850 people have been sentenced to hanging since 1959

~ That you need identification and a doctor's prescription to buy nicotine chewing gum?

~ That you may be heavily fined if you litter or spit in public?

~ That eating or drinking in public transits carry fines of up to S$500?

I shall stop here, the information is thanks to Wikipedia.

This is the life we lead in Singapore and we're used to all our quirky laws. But really, Singapore isn't as scary as it may sound. Honest.

14 May 2006

I look like I'm clawing Clint in the photo, but really I'm just gently placing my hand on his shoulder. The 1st (and only) dinner we had with Valerie on her 1st night. It will always be remembered as my glorified pat-on-the-back-thanks dinner by someone who is now very passe. Despite a horrible moment, it was a fantastic night with all my lovelies. I must say I rock at cooking Thai food. Heh.

L to R: Claire, Collette, Clint, Me

This was our very lovely house when we travelled to Dunsborough for a couple of days. It totally exceeded our expectations! It was a huge place with a big backyard and a bbq pit, games and videos provided, awesome rooms and very well furnished! A really great place to stay if you want a nice getaway. Would recommend it to everyone! OK maybe not everyone so i can keep the place a secret for myself. haha.

I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking about our trip.