"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

I cry as I write this entry, not only because of the extreme graphics I came upon in my search for information. I cry for the lives that have been lost in the process of this war, and especially for the children who were terrbily injured and died tragically. I shall spare you the images I have seen, but I ask you to please remember them in your prayers.

Everyone is born with true innocence and the greatest capacity to love with complete sincerity, only to be slowly damaged and destroyed as we get influenced by society and political values. As children we know nothing of anything, we don't question a person's agenda or who he or she is. A child has the capacity to provide a simple gesture of a hug and a person's world could shine brightly because of the innocence within them. Unfortunately, that child in us disappears as time goes by. Where does it go?

War - it is a fight created by political members of two or more countries, a fight for what they think is rightfully theirs, a fight for reputation, an unnecessary fight where normal people like you and me are killed for a fight we didn't choose. If we were taught from young it is wrong to kill, how are killings in wars justified at all? No matter in what situation, aren't all forms of killings considered to be murder?

So some people say they fight for their country and they'll die if they have to. Have to. Choosing sides when it comes to politics is not a must, sometimes it is a matter of survival. To fight for freedom, to fight for your life unless poverty and suffering is a more pleasant choice. Soldiers were sent to Iraq to fight Bush's war. Without questioning a war was declared based solely on what the government says. Boys and men die for their country, what happens to their parents who brought them into this world?

Because of someone else's war, families suffer heartbreak and agony of losing their loved one. Who ever wants to die? Who ever wants to leave this world and their family behind, never to been seen, touched or heard ever again? No one. But because of politics a side has to be chosen, even innocent civillians are hurt and killed in the process.

Death saddens me. When I see people cry because of true loss, I cry with them. There is no other way.

Why doesn't Bush go out and fight in the war he started? Because he is the President of America and retains a higher position compared to soldiers who join the miltary. The war started a relatively long time ago, I no longer have complaints about that. It merely angers me to know of the pain and anguish of those who have suffered great losses. Was it worth it?

Here is a letter, "Dear America" written by an American Marine, Lt. Kevin Brown. It gives insight to a soldier's thoughts of the war. It is indeed a very different perspective.