To lie is to fabricate, with intention to deceive. 

Some people call it half-truths, others say it's a stretch. When it comes down to it, the damage made is irrevocable. Yet most lies are built on the basis of what it is -  lies. It piles one on top of the other like the lego blocks I used to have when I was a kid, unsure of what to do but to stack 'em one after the other. As with Lego, at some point it all comes crashing down. And without question, crashing into the small pieces they are. 

Could someone explain to me why people feel the need to lie? This persistent need to change facts to something they feel will receive more attention. Is, say for example, concocting that you are an illegitimate son absolutely necessary in trying to sympathize with someone else's situation? Or cursing your family by insinuating their life is in danger? How tasteless. How morbid. How low can one person get with lies? 

I have to admit though, worse than lies is a person's folly in believing them. The naive and unsuspecting, the exploitable who trusts in all. Surely only a fool and a dimwit could fall for such obvious lies. But no. Despite a manifestation of lies, a fool is a fool, lest it is a dimwit. Same difference I say.  

They say what goes around comes around. (Or have I gotten it the other way round? no pun intended) Have we all been in dizzying circles all this while? Kind of like those rides at theme parks that go round 'n' round, up 'n' down? Yes, that must be it. I'm perplexed at what I did to receive my go arounds, and wondering when others will get their come arounds. 

At least I know this much, when they do get them come arounds, it's gonna be real bad. Yes, YOU, YOU and all of YOUs are gonna get hurt RRReal bad. 

Poo on you losers. I hope a fat bird diarrhea's on your brainless heads. No, I lie. I hope a flock of fat birds diarrhea on your brainless heads.