Been partae-ing way too much. And bumming too much. Actually, more like spending as much time with everyone as I can before they all leave to different parts of the globe. Damn you. 2 Americans already left for their east coast tour. It really sucks. We met Arylene, Brendan and Cols at Eurobar yesterday, all ready to get Dave wasted before he left us all in the lurch. We didn't have to do much. He pretty much downed 5 beers in the 1st 15 minutes we got there. It was hilarious. Plus before that he'd brought along a little goon bag as a friend to keep him company. He's hungover in Cairns now. Haha.

Just a few photos from last night. We were all out to get crazy. With Arylene, there's always insanity around.....and boob grabbing.

Unfortunately, Collette had to leave early so we couldn't get very many peektures.

Oh by the way, any of you like Stitch? The character from the series Lilo and Stitch (duh)? Here's a photo of him like you've never seen before.