I am the reincarnation of an exonerated being,
Placed into an amicable environtment.
It is placid and blissful and fit for a queen,
The divine surrounding won't let me lament.

I am the reincarnation of a mundane phantom,
Marooned into an impertrubable and apathetic sphere.
It is a disenchanting and mellow canton,
The serene predicament leads me to fear.

I am the reincarnation of a shrivelled imbecile,
Led astray into an irrevocable mystery.
It is cold and lonely on this deprivation hill,
The artic surroundings won't set me free.

I am the reincarnation of a godforsaken defect,
Discarded into the depths of an abyss of inferno.
It is blistering and yet sublime in effect,
The torrid surroundings won't let me go.