Swamped with preparations for presentations and assignments, its a whole vicious cycle again of late nights and high levels of stress. That's the beauty of Uni ain't it? This semester is crazier than the last, yet on that same note a little more fun. It's just a matter of getting the hang of things & loving what you do. Film & television unit this sem is a lot more hands on and fun too, just finished my script, hopefully when I pitch it to the class it gets chosen! It would be so cool to be a director of my own mini film.

The weather's screwing with everyone's health, I don't know anyone who hasn't either come down with a sore throat or a cold. I'd hate to think though that I was the one passing my germs on. But its good my parents came down from Singapore, its lovely to have my momma looking after me when I'm sick, doing the cooking and cleaning. Kudos to my mommy!

Life can get so messy at times, it throws you curve balls expecting you to catch them. Its times like that you appreciate your friends a lot more, and those who stick by you no matter what. How wonderful it is to be able to simply pick up your mobile and call a friend to whine for half an hour of your life. Especially those who don't mind just sitting with a cuppa chatting the night away. What could be better than having a decent conversation with someone you feel so comfortable with? I thank my lucky stars for having those people in my life over here.

Can't believe I considered being a loner when I came here, not wanting to make an effort to know people or develope friendships. Without family, friends are of utmost importance, especially at times when you dig yourself a hole to hide, they're the ones who drag you out. Some I may hardly meet or talk to, but at the end of the day when we get together, we still have a good time.

Its time to hit the books again. Or rather, DVDs I borrowed to use for my presentation. Watching movies as homework! Aren't you jealous? Haha..