Malcom X, a legend in his own being, a master of his beliefs and a man of great integrity. A man brave enough to voice his words to the public of America to stand for what he believed to be right, a man who was willing to risk his life for the better of his people - Afro-Americans. Although his being is no longer, in his grave he remains undefeated, undefeated by those who opposed his views, undefeated by those against him.

Watching the movie about his life has opened my eyes up to different perspectives. It wasn't just about an entertaining story, or the life of someone who did what he did. It is about the way situations evolve, how history may repeat itself, how being people with the lack of knowledge feel scared, afraid of change turn to only one solution - violence.

The year may be 2006, generations away from 1925 with a completely different way of life as compared to back then. People however, never change in the way they think. Thoughts are based on past knowledge, history, culture, information from various sources. Thoughts don't comes from nothing, they are never original, and they always stem from something that will evoke the thought. And sometimes, thoughts cannot be controlled and only lead us astray.

Malcom X may have been somewhat of a fanatic, but essentially he simply stood up and voiced out what many others couldn't. I may not be afro-american, but I honour and salute this man for the bravery very few of us could admit to having. How many of us can leave this earth knowing we leave with our pride, honour and dignity, and love of our people?

"When a person places the proper value on freedom, there is nothing under the sun that he will not do to acquire that freedom. Whenever you hear a man saying he wants freedom, but in the next breath he is going to tell you what he won't do to get it, or what he doesn't believe in doing in order to get it, he doesn't believe in freedom. A man who believes in freedom will do anything under the sun to acquire . . . or preserve his freedom." "

- A quote by Malcom X

Go check out the movie on DVD if you're truly keen in knowing more about this man. I must say Denzel Washington did a more than superb job portraying the role of a legend.