So i'm back in perth where I can finally not have to worry about whether I'm able to use the internet or not, thus here I am blogging again. Hopefully I can jog my brain well enough to come up with an entry that won't bore the wits outta you..

It was an emotional time at the airport (again). It was the hardest for mom as it always is. She started avoiding me after breakfast, standing far away. She cried when I told her i was going in...truly a mother's pain can be felt in a daughter's heart. I know how hard it is for her that both her daughters are in Australia. Wasn't easy saying goodbye to friends either. I'll never get use to this, it will forever be hard. Airports are the worst place to be if someone's leaving.

Anyhows, reached home to find the power was out! Western Power screwed up so i couldn't clean up the mess the "glorious" spiders left me. I suppose it was in their plan to get me tangled up in their webs every where I walked. Finally cleaned out my room in time to be able to leave for the Waterford, the first one of the year! I swear it was completely insane today. It was packed fulla people I'd never seen before. Who knew we'd ever have to wait in line to get in?

Saw a few of the "regulars" like Meera, Bruce, Mick and a few others. It definitely was nice to catch up after a few months. However, Meera and I agreed it simply wasn't the same without Mimmi and everyone else present. They truly did make a difference, but its nice to know more people again. Its a little weird walking in not seeing the familiar familiar faces of those close to me...if only you guys could come to the Waterford one more time. Oh well, Annie's promised to come down with me, and Shane's my new waterford partner.

Looking forward to the new semester, and the new people.