Its been such a fucking bad day at Uni I can hardly begin to even explain. The sun was SCORCHING hot today! Got off to a bad start, woke up to the heat at 9 in the bloody morning. Geez, the horror! Yet, I was still quite positive about the start of Uni so I got out of bed to get to Uni early to be able to get a lot at the student parking. But low and behold, I'm 45 minutes early and every lot possible is filled. Surprise surprise. (can you sense my sarcarsm now?)

Parked on the verge instead of waiting in the heat for a lot that would never appear, waited for class & it was good. But things got screwed up for Annie & Collette and we had to settle all sorts of things with the student services. Went for my 2nd class only to realize I was enrolled in a completely wrong unit. (this is the part where all the vulgarities come in)

Well anyway, I won't go on. Basically, a lot of shit on the first friggin day of Uni. Hooray.

On a lighter note, Annie, Collette & Claire came over for dinner. I'd say we had a pretty good time. We're gonna have more dinners like these girls! No doubt there. Had a few stubbies, ate pasta, watched a dvd...lovely lovely! I'm so glad I hooked up with these girls last semester. They're a blast to be with!

I wanted to post this picture of Romain up in the last entry, but blogspot wouldn't seem to load it up. So here it is. I reckon its a hilarious picture (that he demanded to delete). Its from Malou's birthday and the plastic forks and knives just couldn't cut it. Pun intended. Haha.