Oh. My. God. Imagine my excitement when I was blog surfing and came upon a post that showed photos of the phenomenal lingerie store in Singapore!
I have been DYING to entire one of these stores since I first put one of their bras on, and as I scrolled through the photos, I was imagining myself in bra heaven. No more hoping that something would fit, no more huge shipping fees!
Alas, my happiness was short-lived.I had to do a double-bloody-take. "THERE IS NOT ONE BRA TO BE SEEN ANYWHERE"?? Erm, HELLO! Victoria's Secret was introduced as, I quote, "The famous lingerie retailer". Lingerie - women's underwear. Underwear = knickers and BRAS. Do you understand?? Clearly the person who opened VS in Singapore thought up this sick joke to taunt and tease us poor women.
Look, I can live without the VS luggage tags, pyjama tops and bottoms, or those bloody keychains. The bras, which are paramount to most women, are a complete necessity.
For those still interested, Victoria's Secret store in Singapore is located in the Singapore Resort World, or the IR (see previous post) or something or other.
17 February 2010
Hello Miss Victoria, please can you share your secret?
Posted by
Cup That Cake
9:46 PM
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