The three monkeys in my life, what does one say to that? This was at the Bjorn again concert in Kings Park, and my dear Ya-Ya fell in love with Uncle Clint and Aunty Veron. It's a bloody miracle. Oh, let's not forget Freckles and Dolly (whose hair can be seen just at the bottom of frame).
With Mama and Gong-Gong before going to the Andre Rieu concert. They have a mountain load of photos of their precious as it is, still "More, more!" they say. The little manja pot is so cute in her Gap dress. Lucky shit. Lol. I was lucky to get a dress from a pasar malam. The rest were hand me downs. Bah.
Miss Poseur - she LOVES to take photos, LOVES to pose, and LOVES to see her own photo after the shot's been taken. Sound familiar, Baobei?
She loves her Aunty-YiYi-Cherie as she so calls me from time to time due to confusion in titles. On the rare occasion, I am also called Mummy. Funny.
Last but not least, the good old Jap pose, or in our days - PEACE. Think the latter is far cooler.

Okelly Dokelly people...I just wanted to post some of my favourite photos of my niece, taken with my phone.