Since the beginning of mankind, infidelity has always been an issue, where (mostly) men are not able to keep their pee pees in their pants and maintain monogamous with the woman they promised to be. Call it what you will - adultery, liason, affair, cheating, the bottom line remains the same. Perhaps in the early days of civilisation, it wasn't treated as much of a big deal. Women had no say in matters concerning anything other than that of their womanly duties like cooking, sewing and looking after their children. Their husbands could go of to the community whorehouse while the women picked them off the floor when they got home in a retarded drunken state.

Wham, bang, thank you mam, and a few thousand dollars later, they're off back to their wives.

Today however, men are a little bit smarter (or not) when it comes to sticking it where they will. There is currently a sexual scandal saga going around with the popular men of sport, and it seems we are all far too interested in what goes on in their personal lives. It all started with this man:

*photo courtesy of*

One of the greatest golfing legends of our time, he won so many tours and championships from such a young age, his talent and skills are hard to dismiss. I will admit he was my biggest idol when I picked up golf. I was so in awe of him, he was all I thought about when I on the course. I would chant "Tiger Woods Tiger Woods Tiger Woods" in my head before I tee-ed off, amazingly enough, I always hit a good ball when I chanted his name. In my eyes, he was THE Golf God. And you know what? He still is.

Things took an about turn when Tiger Woods met with some sort of an accident. It went from utter concern for the golfing legend as to whether he was hurt, to rumours that his wife swung at him with a golf club, to a series of sexcapades with multiple women. Concern went straight down the drain and sure enough, people were hurling insults at him from every direction. That included people who probably didn't give two hoots about Tiger and his golfing career. But oh no, stick your weiner where it don't belong and the world will get on your back.

Seriously, who gives a flying fuck? Sure he slept with around 15 women or so, not including his wife. Sure, he portrays himself as this family man who loves his wife and kids, and that is how the "Tiger Woods" brand is advertised. Which is therefore how he got his sponsors and in turn, a part of all his richness and moneyness.

If you look closely though, the adverts and all that jazz has NOTHING to do with his life as husband and father. Most and almost all adverts has him with a GOLF CLUB, not him hugging his wife or child.

Did his wife, by marrying him, give him the talent to balance a golf ball like that? No. Did his child? No. Did the public? No.

Did we personally take a cut of our pay for him to have the millions that he has? No. Was taxpayers money the result of his talent and skills? No.

I rest my case.

Just cuz we know of who he is does not mean we know who he is. He wants to screw all the other hot women in the world and cheat on his wife, who cares? It's his personal life and although I will agree it is absolutely disgusting, who are we to judge? Would you like to be awesomely great at something where people adore you, but have them also dig right to the very roots of your life? I didn't think so. It might come with the territory, but it doesn't mean we have to uphold it.

So after this whole Tiger saga comes this:

Unless you are a bit of a soccer fan, or pro England football, you might or might not recognise this man. John Terry, now former captain of the English Football team, recently fired as captain because he "poked" a team mate's ex-girlfriend. You might recognise him more with this photo:

I can't really be bothered to go into much detail, if you wanna know more you can read it here. Whatever it is, supposedly Terry paid off Perroncel to keep things mum. Of course that wouldn't work, otherwise he wouldn't be stripped of his Captaincy.

Terry and Woods have been highlights of both television and print news since Tiger was in his accident, surely there are more important things for us to focus our tiny brains on. Like the breaking news of Australian street performer, Chayne Hultgren, set the record today and swallowed 18 72 cm swords at the same time.

*Photo by AAP, taken from 7 news website*

Don't we love the news today?