In a very bizarre moment, I was re-enlightened into the Blog world, suddenly hit with a burning passion to revive my blog. I stopped writing because 1) I was lazy, 2) I didn't think anyone was actually reading it, 3) I couldn't think of anything interesting to write. What I didn't realise was number 2 happened because I stopped bloody updating! D'oh?

Everytime inspiration to blog hits an all time low, I decide to change my blog layout and search for hip new skins that are a surefire way to relight my blogging fire. Admittedly, the last pink one was a definite stretch. Pink is so not my colour. Sorta like this:

But okay, the Harajuku ad by Gwen Stefani is actually quite nice. But that's as far as I'll go.

Wild-incantations was in dire need of something new and something fresh, therefore this blog layout. Some say it's a little too simplistic, but I say it's structured. There's nothing I hate more than blogs full of crap in their side bars and what not. Worse than a messy blog are blogs that play shit music the moment you enter. So fear not there will be no background music added here. I kinda like this new skin, it's fresh and easy to navigate. What do you think?

It took me to hell and back trying to edit the html for it to customise it all, but I did it. I have declared myself a HTML GENIUS! On top of that, I managed to somehow translate the Spanish the html codes were written in, with the help of Google Translator of course.

There are lots of sites and articles on how to better your blog, how to increase traffic etc etc.....most of it is pretty obvious, others I had to learn about. This guy Seth wrote 56 tips to get more traffic to your blog.

Helpful or not? You decide. For example, No. 32 - Write about Google.

Google google google google. Google's awesome! It's the answer for everything!

Okay so that's one strike off the list. Next up, No. 38 - Write about blogging. Refer to first paragraph, check!

No. 41 - Post on weekdays, because there are more readers. Also check! Hey, it seems I've got this blogging thing down to a pat! I've crossed out 3 out of 56 on the list, it can only get better right?

So tadah!

Ok, now where's my money for blogging and who's gonna give it to me?