Today I baked my 2nd official batch of chocolate cupcakes. I say official because I actually got paid for it. For $2.50 per cupcake, I make just enough to cover cost and enjoy a small little profit, coffee perhaps? I guess it's harder when I'm not buying supplies at cost. I'm happy to bake though, I'm delighted when I see the expression on a person's face after they've taken that first bite.

They are plain and simple chocolate cupcakes, but made with the highest quality chocolate ever. They are wayyyy too delish to resist, every now and then I pop one in my mouth. My excuse is I need to do a taste test. :) I finally got off my lazy ass to take photos.

My dearest friends Daniel and Sarah are my best supporters (not that the rest of you don't count). I gave them a batch of cupcakes, just for the hell of because I love baking. They loved it so much they started promoting my cupcakes for me. So far, they are my best customers too! These cupcakes were made for Sarah's sis-in-law who's birthday happens to fall on Valentine's Day. Apparently she raves about my cupcakes and had to have them for her birthday. Thank you for your support guys! You are legendary!

The following photos are just some other cupcakes I've baked. I apologise the photos aren't all that great, I just couldn't be bothered after a long day of baking.

Oreo cupcakes with homemade liquid marshmallow icing!

Vegan cupcakes for the niece who is allergic to eggs and nuts. She ate them all but I thought they were putrid and lacked complete taste. I'm a chocolate snob!

I've tried so many flavours and I've got more to go...suggestions anyone? You can be my guinea pigs and be my tasters. :)