In what seems like eternity, I am back to this blog once again. Time passed and you hardly realise 5 years has gone by since something started, and that thing of course, is this blog. Wild Incantations started when University began for me. It was a personal outlet for me to rant, whinge and bitch all I wanted about anything that occurred to me. As the years went by, it seemed to become more of a place where I posted more personal stuff like photographs etc. How times change things. Another year another wrinkle I supposed.

I'd like to think that I've grown some, or maybe a lot. Life has kicked me up and down in the last couple of years, I believe I've come out of it a lot stronger, if not a little more cynical about the world. It's almost hard to believe I used to be a happy-go-lucky kinda girl. I always saw the positive in everything, and at the end of the day, the sun would always be shining. Wahaha. Not anymore. I'm digging my toes in the sand though, and trying hard to evade this hole of negativity. Oops?

I believe most people have dropped off reading this blog but oh well, persevere I shall! Hopefully at some point intellect kicks in and I actually have something proper to blog about. Everything in it's time.

But for now, as always, I shall leave you more photographs!

Location: Foreshores, South Perth
Occasion: Dotty's Birthday (she joined the old club)
Mood: Absolutely raving mad
People involved: Everyone we know plus some.
Theme: Quirky

Let me start by introducing a few of the event's characters to you:

First up we have
VIP of the day: Cherry Pop-a-Lot

Clint the Pimp

Pippy No-long-stockings

Retro Girl

The rest included Shrekess (which sounded like Shrek ass), Mr Dorothy the Dinosaur and the English Tiger (?). No one else bothered to dress up all cool like us really.

We try our darnest to be normal - I swear...

... but where's the fun in that?? Grrrr!

And with almost anything these days, an album of photos are NEVER complete without having some jumping shots chucked in there. As you scroll, you will view a series of (failed and successful) jump shots. In my opinion, the men's jump shots were classified as "Epic Fail!".

The Girls - Don't mind my rising dress, no choice in the matter really.

Amy reckons she's looks a bit...erm...spaz.

The boys' completely failed attempt

Success! (This was after a few tries mind you)

All I can say is, we were trying to be creative.

You can't have a birthday without a cake (I did, twice, but who's counting). Lucky Dot had THREE. Well more if you count each cupcake I made.

Cake numero Uno - gotta love the sparklers

Cake numero dos - home made cupcakes made with LOVE!

All for you DOT! :)