I was looking through all my old blog posts, being somewhat hardworking and typing out labels for each post when I came across a post I never wrote. I read the title and I was astounded as to what it meant.

"you've got Butter face, so i'll ride you like a bronco" - this was dated a longgg time ago.

I re-read it about 10 times, trying to search through the timeline of my brain to when I decided to come up with such a ridiculous title. I didn't even know what butter face is, I had to google it to be clear of my own blog post title! Ludicrous!

So after easy googling (which is my answer to everything by the way), this was my answer:

I swear I almost fell off my chair. Holy crap! If you thought that was bad, check this out:

*image taken from www.crazy-jokes.com*

I don't know, but if you ask me, Lady Gaga has butter face.

Okay maybe not as terrible as the first two but you get my drift.

I think Lady Gaga might be the only one I'll choose to ride like a bronco. Go figure. No wonder that post was left blank never to be touched again.