Just when you thought people couldn't get any weirder......someone goes and names their child:


Now if you, like me, are wondering how on earth this line of utter gibberish should be pronounced,"Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116" is pronouced as Albin. Yes you read right, a name that starts with a B-R is pronounced with an A-L.

Thankfully for this child it he wouldn't have to learn how to spell his name. This poor Swedish child's name got rejected in court, and the alternative name they tried to register was "A".

Yes, the letter A we know so well, either as ay or ah. Nadah. You supposed to pronounce is Albin, stoopid. Albin got re-rejected and now the child is called "Icke namngivet gossebarn," which means "unnamed little boy".

Maybe "B" or "A" or "Albin" will grow up to look like one of these guys...

Or perhaps this hunk of a hunk. I wouldn't mind calling him by any name even if it took me 10 minutes to pronounce!

Another name that struck a chord of irony was "Savior God Scientist Allah". He was apparently 16 months old when he died after falling from the 7th Storey. No offence, but I respectfully say, he probably wanted to be God.

More weird names include "Dick Assman", "4Real Superman Wheaton" and "GoldenPalaceDotCom Silverman". You can find out why here.