I cannot get enough of this photo, Chantrea is just simply adorable here. As she always is of course. Unbelievable how grown up she looks here, at only 2 and a half. It's funny, sometimes she looks like a replica of my sis, at other times she looks exactly like Rog. Whatever it is, she is loved to bits by her family and is the apple of all our eyes. Sometimes when I talk to her I forget how young she really is, with her well-spoken and constructed sentences. She's definitely Mommy's girl, and Daddy's girl, and Grandmama's girl etc etc, you get the drift.

Just a random photo I pulled of Jem's facebook...I miss Jan, my little Hobbit, Sam Wise. Jem's face once again is priceless. Haha. He almost looks too happy Jan's about to peck him on the cheek. And I just noticed the dude in the background. Weird. Obviously the foreground is just as weird. Come back my hobbit, Perth awaits your arrival. I need my film critic partner back, the one who listens to me and simply laughs at things I say. =(