Camping in Dwellingup

So us smart arses decided we should have a camping trip while the weather was still relatively warm and basically before winter hits. One of the reasons for that was that we only 5 degree sleeping bags. Which meant not warm enough. Anyhoos, we decided to go to Dwellingup as I was told it was a lovely area. The reserve was MASSIVE! Despite that, it was also full...

It was a hellish ride into the camp site. I need a 4WD, seriously. It took me about 20 mins to drive 5km. You know the speed bumps we get on roads to slow us down, well it was 10 time worse than that. Even driving at 20km/h (yes 20km/h) my car felt and sounded like it was about to fall to pieces.

I hate people with camper vans!!! It's super WTF. They choose the flattest bestest ground to PARK their camper van. What the hell for! It's not like they have to pitch a tent or sleep on the almost-not-quite-rock-hard ground. Bah. We ended up getting a pretty good spot after much hunting, only to have a big group of teenage girls set up camp right next to us.

The Marstons Tent - Supposed to fit 4, fit 2 and a half just nice
My tent - Supposed to fit 6. Fits 2 beautifully. And then some. Like my patio?

Our first morning, as you can tell from their faces, was not the most pleasant. It was freezing like you cannot imagine, and none of us got any sleep at all. We woke up at the first break of dawn. Mostly because we don't have dark out curtains, we wanted to get to the fire, and the tweens were screaming at 7 in the friggin' morning.

The evening (? morning ?) sun coming through the trees
The soft warm glow from the fire. We were smart enough to buy firewood this time, and bring super long matches. We would have died without a fire.

No more camping for a long while, not until we buy minus 10 degree sleeping bags. It was not any fun sleeping with double pairs of socks and trekkies, and 5 layers up top followed by a massive jacket whilst completely zipped up in the sleeping bag.

The end.